Politics Communism will return by the end of the 21st century

Most of them are atheists but they accept Muslims aswell. The irony is that these commies tend to oppose the USA and zogged governments in general. They're kind of on the right side for all the wrong reasons, I guess.
hating the west is a side effect of being brown
I'm sorry I wrote much in my reply to what you said, I probably could have cut down some unnecessary bits. If my writing at any time seems unintelligible it's because I'm very tired. While I am a Nazi, I don't want to be an asshole.

Reducing communism to a Jewish psyop is historically inaccurate
Completely disagree, I stated why I think this at the very beginning, While I did fail to mention, I felt it was implied that Moses Hess served as Marx's mentor. Hess introduced Marx, helped him join Rheinische Zeitung (a far left newspaper) in 1842 and introducing both Engles and Marx to Communism. Moses Hess had a definite impact on Marx's thinking, and He assisted him and Engles on the Communist Manifesto. All of the writers for the Communist Manifesto are Jewish, This by definition makes it a product of Jews, As for psyop I stated why near the end why it's perfect for destroying society and culture.
Karl Marx's philosophy was not about a religious or ethnic agenda. It was a critique of industrial capitalism.
I never stated this, I stated how it is more than anything a tool for Zionists to subvert society although I did mention they did have the same goal, that being domination over all nations.
Marx's personal life was one of poverty and struggle, hardly the hallmark of someone closely allied with banking dynasties.
Marx's was a college educated man who simply made bad life choices, You do raise a good point Karl Marx definitely did not receive financial support from his close relatives, shocking how they hoarded the wealth lol. When I stated "through blood and spirt" it was more so showing how the centralization of credit/wealth being towards a universal bank relates closely to the Rothschild mission of money without borders and control of the wider world. Wealthy judeo-banking dynasties very existence does support the very idea that there are Zionists seeking to control the world, through any means possible. In what I was writing I stated more than anything Communism is a tool for Zionists, a foolish ideology which seeks to enslave workers and not liberate them.
Equating Zionism with communism because of Hess is folly when you consider Zionism as a political movement didn't truly coalesce until decades after The Communist Manifesto was published
I wouldn't consider it folly given how Hess perfectly outlines both a racial struggle and the systematic replacement of the native arabs in Palestine, and the return to the "Jewish Homeland" in his book. I see Theodor Herzl as a Columbus to Hess's Leif Erikson if that makes sense. But by all means was Hess a Zionist through and through.
The heavy taxation and property confiscation you mention were seen as means to an end, not ends in themselves. It had nothing to do with ethnicity.
the end goal of it all being a cashless, classless society? I'd love to hear how you see the ideal communist utopia which communists such as yourself seek. The heavy taxation and taking of property is what I see as infringement on the individuals rights, and the promises of a utopia seem impossible. As for the last claim regarding ethnicity, I don't know why you mentioned that.
As for Christianity, Marx's critique was of religion as an "opium of the people," not a specific attack on Christianity for Jewish gain.
Funny enough that quote is credited to Hess, and I do believe the Atheistic society which Communism seeks is to decay morality, Do you think morals are sprung from Human nature?
You paint a world where communism is a deliberate strategy to dismantle society for the benefit of one group. Yet, you ignore countless instances where communist movements have been about genuine attempts at social reform, regardless of their ethnicity. Consider Stalin as an example.
Honestly there is just so much going on here with this, I'd love to hear how Joseph Stalin (another Jew) was a champion of Social reform, regardless of ethnicity
This deserves to be pinned somewhere on the site. I can’t think of a more pro-satanic and parasitic system than Communism.
Rereading it I made a few spelling errors and probably should tweak the beginning with how I phrased it :cage:
but for some reason the edit button is just gone
The problem with labelling all communists as jew puppets is the fact that the soviet union was in conflict with Israel throughout the Cold War. It is true that communism as an ideology is of jewish origin (and I don't support it at all), but the soviet union in its late stages was very anti-jewish. Its collapse was also supported by the likes of George Soros as far as I'm aware. What then?
They oppose Israel albeit.
israel makes part of the boogieman west (not the true west) they hate it because of its relations with america and enmity with the neighbouring arabic nations
The problem with labelling all communists as jew puppets is the fact that the soviet union was in conflict with Israel throughout the Cold War. It is true that communism as an ideology is of jewish origin (and I don't support it at all), but the soviet union in its late stages was very anti-jewish. Its collapse was also supported by the likes of George Soros as far as I'm aware. What then?
again it was more of a relation problem, the remaining communists that aren't any fond of the classical soviet style of the ideology are oftentimes more liberal or more leninistic/trotskyist or any other variations of the ideology that opposed stalin, most of them were jewish too and that branch of communism is often sponsored by modern amerigroyper universities and other such public organizations that pout money on brainwashing media like that
Get ratio’d, OP.

what elite are we talking about
last time i saw trump was doing very well ans winning the elections
They're the conglomerates, the bankers, and the industrialists. Trump is a part of the spectacle that keeps the masses entertained while the true power players continue to amass wealth and influence.
Completely disagree, I stated why I think this at the very beginning, While I did fail to mention, I felt it was implied that Moses Hess served as Marx's mentor. Hess introduced Marx, helped him join Rheinische Zeitung (a far left newspaper) in 1842 and introducing both Engles and Marx to Communism. Moses Hess had a definite impact on Marx's thinking, and He assisted him and Engles on the Communist Manifesto. All of the writers for the Communist Manifesto are Jewish, This by definition makes it a product of Jews, As for psyop I stated why near the end why it's perfect for destroying society and culture.
The fact that all contributors to the Communist Manifesto were Jewish does not make communism inherently Jewish.
I never stated this, I stated how it is more than anything a tool for Zionists to subvert society although I did mention they did have the same goal, that being domination over all nations.
You're twisting your own words to fit a narrative. Claiming that communism is primarily a tool for Zionists to subvert society is essentially arguing that Marx's philosophy served an ethnic or religious agenda, which it did not.
Marx's was a college educated man who simply made bad life choices, You do raise a good point Karl Marx definitely did not receive financial support from his close relatives, shocking how they hoarded the wealth lol. When I stated "through blood and spirt" it was more so showing how the centralization of credit/wealth being towards a universal bank relates closely to the Rothschild mission of money without borders and control of the wider world. Wealthy judeo-banking dynasties very existence does support the very idea that there are Zionists seeking to control the world, through any means possible. In what I was writing I stated more than anything Communism is a tool for Zionists, a foolish ideology which seeks to enslave workers and not liberate them.
They were bourgeoisie, yes, but Marx chose his path, aligning with the proletariat, not living off his family's wealth.

"I stated more than anything Communism is a tool for Zionists, a foolish ideology which seeks to enslave workers and not liberate them."

False. Communism has been adopted by various nations and movements worldwide, often in opposition to those you accuse of orchestrating it.
the end goal of it all being a cashless, classless society? I'd love to hear how you see the ideal communist utopia which communists such as yourself seek. The heavy taxation and taking of property is what I see as infringement on the individuals rights, and the promises of a utopia seem impossible. As for the last claim regarding ethnicity, I don't know why you mentioned that.
We're talking about a world where you work not for a wage but because you want to contribute to society, where the fruits of labor are enjoyed by all, not just the few. I mentioned ethnicity because your argument often veers into suggesting that communism is some Jewish conspiracy.
Do you think morals are sprung from Human nature?
I believe human nature includes a capacity for empathy and cooperation, all of which can form the human spirit, without the need for divine commandments.
Honestly there is just so much going on here with this, I'd love to hear how Joseph Stalin (another Jew) was a champion of Social reform, regardless of ethnicity
He expanded education, health services, and women's rights, all of which were quite notable feats from that time. And Stalin was not Jewish; he was Georgian.
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This is a soviet poster from I think the 1980's which depicts dajooz and their plan of greater israel. If even commies are capable of waking up to this over time then we have no fucking excuse
methinks its just ordinary cummunist hate boner for american allies
if they ever became lefties they would stop making shit like that
methinks its just ordinary cummunist hate boner for american allies
if they ever became lefties they would stop making shit like that
That might be true. I think the soviets initially assumed that Israel would be just like their country in ideological terms, they assumed it would be some kind of socialist state. But when they realized that jews voice their support for such ideas in other countries while implementing fascistic ideas for Israel, they inevitably called out the hypocrisy and the conflict came up. This is probably not the only reason but yeah it's a part of it.