
What you are talking about is the Castrati, That was white on white or Jewish on white abuse practiced in the Christian church
Jews didn't do that shit you retard.
Go back to Europe you inbred mutt.
The USA, Canada, Australia, none of them are "white" countries.
Fuck off back to your shithole in Europe or stfu about immigrants.
America was literally built by immigrants.. especially the Irish and Mexicans.
Go drink some tea with your fag fuck boys.
Jews didn't do that shit you retard.
Go back to Europe you inbred mutt.
The USA, Canada, Australia, none of them are "white" countries.
Fuck off back to your shithole in Europe or stfu about immigrants.
America was literally built by immigrants.. especially the Irish and Mexicans.
Go drink some tea with your fag fuck boys.
Jews literally invented your religion lol aswell as running the church and government
Jews didn't do that shit you retard.
Go back to Europe you inbred mutt.
The USA, Canada, Australia, none of them are "white" countries.
Fuck off back to your shithole in Europe or stfu about immigrants.
America was literally built by immigrants.. especially the Irish and Mexicans.
Go drink some tea with your fag fuck boys.
I’m Irish actually
Jews didn't do that shit you retard.
Go back to Europe you inbred mutt.
The USA, Canada, Australia, none of them are "white" countries.
Fuck off back to your shithole in Europe or stfu about immigrants.
America was literally built by immigrants.. especially the Irish and Mexicans.
Go drink some tea with your fag fuck boys.
Actually america was built and civilised by whites
I banned @nagolbud's #1 Fan because he was being a creepy faggot, stalking me all over the internet, spamming my business websites / forums, and breaking 2-3 forum rules as well. It's obviously not his main account either.. which is another rule. Not my fault @Seraphim banned and unbanned him. I didn't ban him from, only Soyjak. Not sure why they unbanned him. Dude turned into a creepy mofo.

Imagine wasting your life trying to dox someone off an internet forum, stalking them online, then crying and playing victim like a faggot.
I banned @nagolbud's #1 Fan because he was being a creepy faggot, stalking me all over the internet, spamming my business websites / forums, and breaking 2-3 forum rules as well. It's obviously not his main account either.. which is another rule. Not my fault @Seraphim banned and unbanned him. I didn't ban him from, only Soyjak. Not sure why they unbanned him. Dude turned into a creepy mofo.

Imagine wasting your life trying to dox someone off an internet forum, stalking them online, then crying and playing victim like a faggot.
@baqqrih said when you did that on the schlog that you had no evidence for that o algo
@Anon_Humor you make a shitty mod, derail threads, start senseless drama, instigate senseless drama, then you started doing it with the mod team adding to the work load they already under go.
That’s you actually, I literally do none of this I literally just engage in threads and whenever you get your feeling hurt when I say something you leak your clitty and then project. Also there really is no drama here
@nagolbud's #1 Fan @Anon_Humor once again, the same people, derailing this thread as well, with stupid low IQ drama no one gives a shit about.
I never even asked to be mod, I was made mod to make themes, which I still do, I've made more themes than anyone else and they are by far the best themes no doubt... only moderation I made was banning a creepy faggot that was derailing threads, stalking me online, trying to dox me online, breaking forum rules, making fake alt accounts, and then playing victim like a bitch.

I like how the admin of deletes and moderates my post calling Hitler a faggot androgyne proving mein kampf was written by jesuits on a literal thread about mein kampf, but when you cunts literally derail my thread on a completely irrelevant topic nothing happens. @Seraphim *golf clap*
@nagolbud's #1 Fan @Anon_Humor once again, the same people, derailing this thread as well, with stupid low IQ drama no one gives a shit about.
I never even asked to be mod, I was made mod to make themes, which I still do, I've made more themes than anyone else and they are by far the best themes no doubt... only moderation I made was banning a creepy faggot that was derailing threads, stalking me online, trying to dox me online, breaking forum rules, making fake alt accounts, and then playing victim like a bitch.

I like how the admin of deletes and moderates my post calling Hitler a faggot androgyne proving mein kampf was written by jesuits on a literal thread about mein kampf, but when you cunts literally derail my thread on a completely irrelevant topic nothing happens. @Seraphim *golf clap*
I’m not him but okay, Also I’m just engaging in a convo over some deranged shit you have to say lmao
If there is a piece of advice I can offer, coming from someone who wasted over 15 years researching and reading all this shit, so much so to build a platform multiple times, getting banned multiple times with sub counts as high as 80k on YouTube, it always leads back to the Bible, Satan, and His followers. Don't waste your life on fake ass staged political theatre and other mainstream normie faggotry... find some hobbies, focus on creativity, and find something you are passionate about. You'll have much more joy in life, that's for sure.
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Fuck off faggots. @Seraphim do your job.
@Anon_Humor stop derailing my threads with your jackass drama larpings.
@nagolbud's #1 Fan dude literally started a thread on the old about how he spammed my mexican web hosting forums and website with all kinds of cringe degen creepy shit, literally posting screenshots of him doing it.. pretty sure @Cortex saw it too. Then posting my business socials all over the place in an attempt to dox me, unknowing that I use fake locations just incase of douche bags like him. How the fuck do you think he found my old IRL profile pics before I changed all those socials to Nagolbud Corp.. then he denied it, sent in appeals, and the mods unbanned him.

No idea why @Seraphim unbanned his creepy ass, and I know @Cortex saw that thread on the old
Also no idea why they unbanned him from @DOLL soyjak either. Clearly alt account after alt account, breaking forum rules. But I'm the bad guy.

Dude's a fuckin' weirdo, and not in a good way.
And this forum has gone to shit in a quick leap.

Imagine taking the word of some internet fuck boy over your mod team..
@nagolbud's #1 Fan dude literally started a thread on the old about how he spammed my mexican web hosting forums and website with all kinds of cringe degen creepy shit, literally posting screenshots of him doing it.. pretty sure @Cortex saw it too. Then posting my business socials all over the place in an attempt to dox me, unknowing that I use fake locations just incase of douche bags like him. How the fuck do you think he found my old IRL profile pics before I changed all those socials to Nagolbud Corp.. then he denied it, sent in appeals, and the mods unbanned him.

No idea why @Seraphim unbanned his creepy ass, and I know @Cortex saw that thread on the old
Also no idea why they unbanned him from @DOLL soyjak either. Clearly alt account after alt account, breaking forum rules. But I'm the bad guy.

Dude's a fuckin' weirdo, and not in a good way.
And this forum has gone to shit in a quick leap.

Imagine taking the word of some internet fuck boy over your mod team..
Having a saved pic of your face isn't that hard to believe. I still have it saved because I pasted your head over the gigachad's body.
I banned @nagolbud's #1 Fan because he was being a creepy faggot, stalking me all over the internet, spamming my business websites / forums, and breaking 2-3 forum rules as well. It's obviously not his main account either.. which is another rule. Not my fault @Seraphim banned and unbanned him. I didn't ban him from, only Soyjak. Not sure why they unbanned him. Dude turned into a creepy mofo.

Imagine wasting your life trying to dox someone off an internet forum, stalking them online, then crying and playing victim like a faggot.
I literally did none of those things, you just got mad because I exposed you in a thread that your little "evidence" turned out to be freemason propaganda proven in court and you got offended in the dinosaur thread when I showed you this pic.

All's I was doing is a lil trolling stop being a censorship loving faggot and a hypocrite. It seems that you can dish it but can't take it. Screaming at the computer like a betamale bitchboy.
I literally did none of those things, you just got mad because I exposed you in a thread that your little "evidence" turned out to be freemason propaganda proven in court and you got offended in the dinosaur thread when I showed you this pic.
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All's I was doing is a lil trolling stop being a censorship loving faggot and a hypocrite. It seems that you can dish it but can't take it. Screaming at the computer like a betamale bitchboy.
>Nagolbud is my king.
You should look up the history of what whites did to the natives and ingenious. Literally rape temples.
Thousands of years of the white religious fags cutting off little boys nuts so they can sing for them.. castratos.
Thousands of years of literal scultures of whites drinking the blood of children.

Stfu faggot. You watched a fake psyop news clip and think "immigrants" are raping every kid. You're dumb as shit.
Nigga you are white. You ain't black or Mexican. Self hating hypocrite
Having a saved pic of your face isn't that hard to believe. I still have it saved because I pasted your head over the gigachad's body.
I'm talking about a literal thread of him posting screenshots, 10-15 of them, of him posting degen shit to my mexican business forum and website on the old

By all means, dude sure seems to contribute quality content to the community, have fun with him, this place has gotten stale and gay asf the last couple months..
I literally did none of those things, you just got mad because I exposed you in a thread that your little "evidence" turned out to be freemason propaganda proven in court and you got offended in the dinosaur thread when I showed you this pic.
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All's I was doing is a lil trolling stop being a censorship loving faggot and a hypocrite. It seems that you can dish it but can't take it. Screaming at the computer like a betamale bitchboy.
Stop lying faggot. You literally started a thread and posted screenshots of you doing it. I had to delete all the degen trash off my forum you fuckin' dumb fuck. You literally used the same user name.. you bragged about it on the old

Bitch ass faggot can't even own up to your faggotry. Back pedaling like a little cunt because you cried in appeals to get an alt account back, which you do nothing with but derail threads and stalk every post I make, just like @Anon_Humor

Same fuckin people. IP check.
Stop lying faggot. You literally started a thread and posted screenshots of you doing it. I had to delete all the degen trash off my forum you fuckin' dumb fuck. You literally used the same user name.. you bragged about it on the old

Bitch ass faggot can't even own up to your faggotry.
First of all I dindu nuffin, secondly stop whining like a baby, I thought the man (female) that grew up in the Y2K Internet would be able to handle a little trolling, I can literally feel your seething from the screen :cage:
I guess the Internet isn't made for betamales. Try to be Sigma like me.