The UK has lost itself.
EVERY problem that the UK is facing stems from this one root issue.
You can't protect something you don't know.
You can't feel pride for something foreign.
A country that has lost its identity isn't a country anymore.
The UK used to STAND for something.
It used to be British.
Its men were PROUD to be British.
Its men would DIE to protect Britain.
The UK was a small island filled with inspired, proud and brave men who would do ANYTHING for the Kingdom.
The day the UK sacrificed its own traditions and demonized its own Heroes was the day it began its decline.
Men are mobilized through PRIDE and love.
Men make a country.
And men cannot love something they don't know.
They won't die for a random stranger they cannot recognize.
Men do not sacrifice for a woman completely different from the one they married.
For Britain to reverse the decay,
For Britain to return to an Island of wealth, prosperity, safety and innovation.
Britain MUST find itself again.
And that's what I, when I become Prime Minister, will accomplish.
Read my full plan to restore Britain back to Greatness.