nevER selling
> 1000 year reich
> lasts 12 years
> lasts 12 years
There’s always room for a Fourth Reich.> 1000 year reich
> lasts 12 years
The EUThere’s always room for a Fourth Reich.
The EU is the First Reich for Muslims.The EU
They put up a good fight. If America didn't shove their ugly rear in they would've succeeded.> 1000 year reich
> lasts 12 years
Another Euro loss, one of many and the most prominent of many more to come.They put up a good fight. If America didn't shove their ugly rear in they would've succeeded.
this is why you're getting replacedAnother Euro loss, one of many and the most prominent of many more to come.
There is always going to be a smug drunk retard in America, I'm never getting replaced.this is why you're getting replaced
There is always going to be a smug drunk retard in America, I'm never getting replaced.
this is why you're getting replaced
aw manFor White people
ONLY IN OHIOIt’s all good.
View attachment 2595
Found this list over at Stormfront, and it's actually amazing (Besides for the Big Black Book on communism, due to it having faulty numbers) Currently I am reading Land of ZOG by Gary Smith, while it's not the best presented book nor is it very long, I do find it interesting, I plan on next reading Reinhard Heydrich: The Ideal National Socialist, or perhaps a Kaczynski book I haven't really made up my mind, If anyone has any recommendations I'd love to hear them!>Is Hyperborea real?
>Is the Earth Flat?
Enough of this bullshit, Clearly we need some good threads so I'll make one myself.
What is National-Socialism?
National-Socialism is a philosophy (or worldview) for White people that is based on three principles:
(1) Natural Order. We believe that the universe is governed by natural laws. In order for Man to be happy and successful, he must first learn what these laws are and then follow them. We believe that Man is a part of the natural world and that he is in no way separate or distinct from it. Consequently, we believe that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of Nature, and not in opposition to them as is the case today.
Under National-Socialism, every aspect of society will be in accord with the Natural Order: the way we structure the goverment, the way we raise our children, the way we plan our cities, the way we grow our food--EVERYTHING. Indeed, in this context, National-Socialism is the original "green movement!"
(2) Racial Idealism. Racial idealism is based on the love of your own people. It means placing the welfare and interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of yours own personal interests and desires. As racial idealists, we have no wish to harm, persecute, control or exploit other racial groups. We are only interested in protecting our own people.
We believe that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his own personal strengths and weaknesses, so each race certain qualities that make it different from other races. We believe that the White (or Aryan) race has the right to maintain its biological, cultural and political independence, and that it has the right to control its own destiny. We also believe that White people have the right to defend themselves against all attacks--no matter where they come from.
(3) The Upward Development of the White Race. We want to do more than just defend our Race: we want to see it improve. This can be done by encouraging a high birthrate among those Whites who are the healthiest, strongest and most intelligent. At the same time, science should work to eliminate hereditary weaknesses and defects among our people. Our goal is that each new generation of White children will be better off than the one before it.
>Socialism? Isn't that just communism???
There is a BIG difference between National Socialism as pushed by Hitler and Karl Marx's jewish form of socialism [i.e. communism]. The book "Hitler's Revolution" by Richard Tedor explains the difference:
There is a considerable difference in the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Die SA explained that the objective of a socialist state is "not the greatest possible fortune of the individual or a political party, but the welfare of the whole community." Marx's purely economic socialism stands "against private property ... and private ownership". Marx saw socialism as international, as unifying the world's working class people who were social pariahs in their own country. He therefore considered nationalism, advocating the interests and independence of one's own nation, incompatible with socialist ideals. Die SA argued that since socialism really stands for the collective welfare, "Marxist socialism divides the people and in this way buries any prerequisite for achieving genuine socialist goals".
Hitler saw nationalism as a patriotic motive to place the good of one's country before personal ambition. Socialism was a political , social and economic system that demanded the same subordination of self-interest for the benefit of the community. As Hitler said in 1927, "Socialism and nationalism are the greatest fighters for one's own kind, are the hardest fighters in the struggle for survival on this earth. Therefore they are no longer battle cries against one another." Die SA summarized, "Marxism makes the distinction of haves and have-nots. It demands the destruction of the former in order to bring all property into possession of the public. National Socialism places the concept of the national community in the foreground... The collective welfare of a people is not achieved through superficially equal distribution of all possessions, but by accepting the principle that before the interests of the individual stand those of the nation."
Hitler regarded Marxist economic policy as no less repugnant to genuine socialism as the concept of class warfare was. Marx advocated de-privatizing all production and property. State control would supposedly insure equitable distribution of manufactured goods and foodstuffs, and protect the population from capitalist exploitation. Hitler advocated private ownership and free enterprise. He believed that competition and opportunities for personal development encourage individual initiative. He said in 1934, "on one hand, the free play of forces must be guaranteed as broad a field of endeavor as possible. On the other, it should be stressed that this free play of forces must remain for the person within the framework of communal goals, which we refer to as the people and the national community. Only in this way can we attain ... the highest level of human achievement and human productivity."
Der Schulungsbrief dismissed Marx's disparate clamor for equitable shares in national assets and equal pay for all work as stifling to personal motivation: "The man capable of greater achievement had no interest in realizing his full potential, when he saw that the lazy man sitting next to him received just as much he himself... Any initiative to do more and willingness to accept responsibility could only die out under this system."
But if you really want to get a grip on what true National Socialism is,
Of course there is plenty you can watch, most of which is relating to history but there is some very good stuff such as: C Kyle(Much of his content isn't on ZOGtube but rather other platforms) & Zoomer Historian, which are the only 2 on ZOGtube I can think off at the moment. But feel free to tell more creators!
Good websites:
New Order, Europa: The Last Battle, Chadnet (ik its a shitty virtual Library but it has a nice UI), Holocaust Deprogramming-Course (ignore the islam bs), Christogenea, NS Publications, Fun Facts
Most really good reads can be found in some of the websites I listed, Especially NS Publications but some other good ones that might not be listed there are: The Doctrine of Fascism, The lies of the Jews, Men Among the Ruins, Revolt Against the Modern World, Ride the Tiger, Hitler's revolution, Industrial Society and Its Future
This is a wee bit more messy than I'd like it to be, but honestly I think I've given plenty resources BUT feel free to talk to me if you want me to add anything else, what I am really looking for is good websites to add because that this what this thread is somewhat about. If anyone has a good order in which you should read certain books, PLEASE tell me because I felt like this thread really needs it but I couldn't really make up my mind on how to develop it.
Most of the websites supplied were for you to find things to read/watch so you could educate yourself, Learn to enjoy Reading!
> 1000 year reich
> lasts 12 years
The Bell Curve is interesting. It talks about how IQ is distributed across races and how that affects society.Found this list over at Stormfront, and it's actually amazing (Besides for the Big Black Book on communism, due to it having faulty numbers) Currently I am reading Land of ZOG by Gary Smith, while it's not the best presented book nor is it very long, I do find it interesting, I plan on next reading Reinhard Heydrich: The Ideal National Socialist, or perhaps a Kaczynski book I haven't really made up my mind, If anyone has any recommendations I'd love to hear them!
Anon here dropping a trvke like always love to see this man, I don't think I read this when you first replied but this is a tsarbombanational-socialism is just fascism with german-charcteristics hitler got his ideas for his ideaoligy from mussolini and did not want to call it fascism outright so he called it something else
A name to describe Hitler's Corpartism, and Nationalism with out just calling it outright "German-Fascism" Socialism is the common ownership of the means of production Under National-Socialism it was the Opposite It was highly Reactionary and Under it it was a dreamland for Corparations and Buisness' and capitalists gallore hitler had actually privatised all the industries this is Why he was liked by alot of Capitalists and Corparations especially and most Notably Henry Ford who had Gave Hitler and Mussolini so much funding and supplies during Ww2 and the Same with Franco in the Spanish Civil-War and also aswell as that Capitalists liked Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Support due to them Being a Wall against Jewish-Bolshevism which would have threatened there buisness also Hitler Purged all of the Socialists in his party in the Night of the Long Knives and aswell as hitler doing crackdowns on Unions and Left-Wing/Communist/Socialist parties in germany and putting them all in Prison.
Just wanted to say that i mean i like your post but i felt like dropping a trvke and some interesting info today and my chance came.
Much appreciated brother, Thanks for the link and thanks for honoring my title as TRVKE NIGGArereading my entire post I now realize it's a bit low quality geg, considering a rewrite of the first post of the thread
Anon here dropping a trvke like always love to see this man, I don't think I read this when you first replied but this is a tsarbomba
The only reason why I am posting here again, besides giving a well deserved kudos I found a neat pastebin I've been digging through for like 2 days now and wanted to share it: the gem
If I find more cool resources, I'll be sure to share!
>the health effects of veganismI've been digging through for like 2 days now and wanted to share it: the gem
If I find more cool resources, I'll be sure to share!
Wasn't Hitler a vegetarian? I've always heard that as a standard "wacky Hitler fact" from mainstream media sources but I don't think I've actually looked into the specifics of it that much.>the health effects of veganism
Oh no.
He was due to health reasons. Though I vaguely remember reading about some plan to import a large amount of soybeans for the German population which was very strange to me.Wasn't Hitler a vegetarian? I've always heard that as a standard "wacky Hitler fact" from mainstream media sources but I don't think I've actually looked into the specifics of it that much.
Well some leftists pull this arguement up when ever some says that the Nazis were socialistthis is a leftist lie
Why would he do that? He wasn’t planning on introducing state-enforced veganism, right?He was due to health reasons. Though I vaguely remember reading about some plan to import a large amount of soybeans for the German population which was very strange to me.
No, retard. He wasn’t a liberal faggot.Why would he do that? He wasn’t planning on introducing state-enforced veganism, right?