Music/Television You guys like idol anime?


This one’s my favorite
I don’t understand chuds who like anime. Don’t you feel any shame? There are way better options to spend your time that doesn’t require losing your testosterone.
same, i don't know why a lot of modern chuds are obsessed with gay shit like tranime, i doubt hitler wanted his aryan supersoldiers to watch japanese series of big tittied anime girls
I can't find the appeal of it. I could just watch King of the Hill if I wanted to watch an animated television show, and that one being in my language eliminates the hassle I'd find in a foreign show like the animes, of listening to all of that oriental gobbledygook.
I don't understand how idols work and why people would worship women who are putting an act on 24/7
idk if it is because jap dudes like to imagine the idols are their gfs or something
I don't understand how idols work and why people would worship women who are putting an act on 24/7
idk if it is because jap dudes like to imagine the idols are their gfs or something
Japanese and Korean idols try to keep their romantic relationships a secret from the public. That way it’s easier to sell the idea that they are their fan’s boyfriend or girlfriend.
why people would worship women who are putting an act on 24/7
It should also go without saying that it isn't just japs who do this. Look at fuckin' current year twitch or whatever and all the people who sling money at women who are internally apathetic like it's going out of style. People do that same shit around the world because they're beyond desperate and starved for connection.
>whore: japan
It should also go without saying that it isn't just japs who do this. Look at fuckin' current year twitch or whatever and all the people who sling money at women who are internally apathetic like it's going out of style. People do that same shit around the world because they're beyond desperate and starved for connection.
>whore: japan
This is why Vtubers are becoming more popular than e-thots.