Would it be good to let geniuses live a few decades longer?

If there was an expensive medical operation (like tens of millions of dollars) that would halt aging for 20-30 years, would it be good to give it to special people so they can do more special stuff?

The upside is obvious.

Counter argument: their best years are behind them, a genius only has so much good work in them. If we gave Paglia another couple decades with a healthy brain we probably wouldn't get anything truly new, if we got anything at all. They're only going to hold back the culture by finding clever ways to rehash the perspectives that have had their time in the sun by now. Even among scientists the truth has sometimes only won because those with reputation backing a dogma have died off- how much worse could it be in art or music, where it isn't even false, just played out?

I don't know if I should buy this, because I don't know if they are going to make more unique associations between ideas in their (synthetically extended) middle age. I don't think we pick up on a lot of true geniuses while they are young-ish? If the operation were cheap enough it might be cool to give it to guys who are just obsessed with math and have a pretty high IQ- I'll bet that will get you some results.
Yes, and I would extend the process to include great political leaders and advisors. Holding the culture back is temporary, and great men only live once so the risk is negligible.
It's not solely geniuses who advance society, society as a whole collectively does. In the instance where a genius does make some kind of insane discovery, it's not like they did so apart from society. We don't need to make geniuses live longer or forever, because society will continue to produce new ones and advance technology on its own. We're not reliant on smart people to progress, they only speed up the time of advancement.
it'd be better if we gave it to good leaders that make good living conditions instead
plus 99% of japs restrict themselves to making fanservice lolishit anyways and the number is increasing
We could do both. Though I agree Japs don’t really make games anymore. Just coom simulators.