why the fuck is there a /lgbt/ board on 4chan, like who the fuck is using that?

Isn't the common point with that site is that It's overrun by feds? I think I've heard that plenty of times now.
It’s true. I think it started in 2017 after Trump’s victory and the elite realizing how powerful the internet can be in swaying public opinion. That’s also when they started censoring big events like Gamergate.
Allegedly it was filled with homosexual nazis. Then one of those breadtuber trannies talked about it. Belly of the whale type deal. Another theory I can presume is that it's a last ditch effort by some oldfags that never scored.
i don't remember the last time i went there infact
i do like some /vg/ threads though
There are maybe a few good general threads but 90% of posters on vidya related 4cucks boards are neurotic pedo coomers that only play gacha "games" and coomerbait. Just likes how /ic/ is 80% cumbrains and 15% crab mentality trolls. No self-respecting person should be posting on 4cucks.
4chan is just an edgier version of Reddit at this point.
been like that since 2018, its a literal psyop from the trannies on discord. I have webms to prove it (very old 'tosses & can't send because of bullshit nsfw rule) but if you go searching like I have, you can find that these servers are up and still running this slop.

I know people irl who have fallen into this disgusting rabbit hole of mental illness. I cut ties with some of my best friends (people I considered ride or die) because they are falling into the degenerate pit of porn addiction, substance abuse, homosexuality and transgenderism. When I tried to tell them they are ruining their lives, and harming those around them (influencing younger relatives) they got pissed, It's so sad to see men who lack confidence retreat into degenerate behavior to try and escape the circumstances of their hard lives (as men).

been like that since 2018, its a literal psyop from the trannies on discord. I have webms to prove it (very old 'tosses & can't send because of bullshit nsfw rule) but if you go searching like I have, you can find that these servers are up and still running this slop.

I know people irl who have fallen into this disgusting rabbit hole of mental illness. I cut ties with some of my best friends (people I considered ride or die) because they are falling into the degenerate pit of porn addiction, substance abuse, homosexuality and transgenderism. When I tried to tell them they are ruining their lives, and harming those around them (influencing younger relatives) they got pissed, It's so sad to see men who lack confidence retreat into degenerate behavior to try and escape the circumstances of their hard lives (as men).

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This is so disheartening, it's utterly insane that anyone could say it's hateful to try and prevent these atrocities from happening. What do you even do with someone as broken as this? Put them down? The sheer depth of graves people are willing to dig for themselves if allowed is tragic.
been like that since 2018, its a literal psyop from the trannies on discord. I have webms to prove it (very old 'tosses & can't send because of bullshit nsfw rule) but if you go searching like I have, you can find that these servers are up and still running this slop.

I know people irl who have fallen into this disgusting rabbit hole of mental illness. I cut ties with some of my best friends (people I considered ride or die) because they are falling into the degenerate pit of porn addiction, substance abuse, homosexuality and transgenderism. When I tried to tell them they are ruining their lives, and harming those around them (influencing younger relatives) they got pissed, It's so sad to see men who lack confidence retreat into degenerate behavior to try and escape the circumstances of their hard lives (as men).

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Psyop or not, the admin is complicit with allowing it to flourish. He could easily stop it right now if he wanted to.

4chan is just reddit where you can say nigger
Oh wait...
They ban you for that now?
been like that since 2018, its a literal psyop from the trannies on discord. I have webms to prove it (very old 'tosses & can't send because of bullshit nsfw rule) but if you go searching like I have, you can find that these servers are up and still running this slop.
What's in those webms, botched tranny surgeries?
been like that since 2018, its a literal psyop from the trannies on discord. I have webms to prove it (very old 'tosses & can't send because of bullshit nsfw rule) but if you go searching like I have, you can find that these servers are up and still running this slop.

I know people irl who have fallen into this disgusting rabbit hole of mental illness. I cut ties with some of my best friends (people I considered ride or die) because they are falling into the degenerate pit of porn addiction, substance abuse, homosexuality and transgenderism. When I tried to tell them they are ruining their lives, and harming those around them (influencing younger relatives) they got pissed, It's so sad to see men who lack confidence retreat into degenerate behavior to try and escape the circumstances of their hard lives (as men).

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I am convinced that there should be some attempt to counteract this, at least online, figuring out a way to bury anything even remotely tranny-related. Basically get a ton of people, on like 5-6 aliases each, and just overtake all of these tranny groups, then destroy them from the inside. Infiltrate, Overrun, Destroy. But how, how does one do this. They're pretty good at keeping out infiltraters if I had to take a guess, so this will be very slow of a slowburn, the slowest slowburn in the world perhaps. Idk, it is an idea I've considered, but not one I've taken seriously at this time due to the group required. You need like 20+ people, constantly running 5 tranny usernames without sounding the same, while slowly subverting trannies and potential tranny-converts to be anti-tranny.