Stay away from animalsIf cat A licks cat B, then cats interpret that as cat A being dominant and cat B being submissive.
If rabbit A licks rabbit B, then rabbits interpret that as rabbit A being submissive and rabbit B being dominant.
Two aryans enjoying life.
slavs took the jeetpill i see
If cat A licks cat B, then cats interpret that as cat A being dominant and cat B being submissive.
If rabbit A licks rabbit B, then rabbits interpret that as rabbit A being submissive and rabbit B being dominant.
Cats and rabbits like being groomed though. But I understand your point.disregard for their wishes
Stay away from animals
Some animals live in hierarchies. I don't think there are any other words I could have described this with that wouldn't have sacrificed accuracy.
it may be the rot getting to me but i don't see what did you say wrongSome animals live in hierarchies. I don't think there are any other words I could have described this with that wouldn't have sacrificed accuracy.