Caged Whenever Seraphim or Baqqrih posts

Hahaha, well, it's more of an instinct of my writing than a purposeful decision (I'm not sure how else I should write because this is all that I'm really used to). I only ever found myself struggling for sophistication with how I write back in my elementary school English class, and perhaps my English education itself (and my persistently-succeeding performance in those classes) was what brought me to have that "instinct" of my writing style.
Hahaha, well, it's more of an instinct of my writing than a purposeful decision (I'm not sure how else I should write because this is all that I'm really used to). I only ever found myself struggling for sophistication with how I write back in my elementary school English class, and perhaps my English education itself (and my persistently-succeeding performance in those classes) was what brought me to have that "instinct" of my writing style.
Fair. At least it’s better than zoomer ebonics.