History Weird circumstances after he realized what had happened

Strangely enough, reincarnation was something that Patton himself seemed to firmly believe in. In his 1922 poem, Through a Glass, Darkly, he claimed to have, in his past lives, slain a mammoth, stabbed Jesus in His side as Longinus, and to have fought in the armies of such leaders as Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte.
That’s weird, How’d you find that? Perhaps he knew some magic and reincarnated himself to later on take vengeance and destroy the system
I don't know, I think we were just having a conversation on the porch and Patton came up as a topic. I would've been around ten or eleven. It was something I vaguely knew about until I looked it up just now.
Why were you talking about him? What brought him up? Thanks for telling me btw. You must have a pretty interesting and engaging father
Why were you talking about him? What brought him up? Thanks for telling me btw. You must have a pretty interesting and engaging father
It's an old memory so it's hard to remember exactly why he came up in our conversation. My dad's kind of autistic with stuff about World War Two (there's a big collection of various military trinkets and gear in the basement; stuff like shovels, gas masks, a few helmets, bayonets, all sorts of antiques), so sometimes if I'm talking about something completely unrelated to the war, he'll find a way to bring something else related to it up.
I heard about this from an article. I read some of Patton's diary to confirm and the stuff about him criticizing the treatment of Germans post-war is real.

They also politically assassinated their other big general. Douglas MacArthur, you know the one who the Japanese basically thought of as their new emperor because he was the guy in charge of their conquerors. The guy who wanted a nuclear crusade into China.

It has been long observed that the generals and such gain status when their countries are at war. It isn't surprising that the old powers can't afford to let their once-pawns convert their comrades into voters.

But, I feel like the quote in the OP image would have really stood out if I ran into anything like it and people would put a citation if they could.
I hate the "ooh we hate citations we just trust our feelings about the facts" epic skitzo meme culture. Show me a boomer photograph of a building with and without chimneys and label them with years- how the fuck am I supposed to trust this has anything to do with the holocaust? It's like the mudflood stuff, skeptical about anything inconvenient and then confident as fuck about your favorite internet trvke. At least with flat earth you have your direct senses and intuition to trust, instead of saying "yeah I'm based because I trust an image I found on 4chan /x/ over historians" Like if you really don't trust them then you should try and figure out the truth yourself instead of trusting at random.

Those last few chunks are really something. I love how war is this engulfing cycle for him, but it's still just a thing of this world, and yet god has a hand in his role. Natural nuance.
Fuck Patton. Just cause he got some truth about America's future doesn't mean I'm gonna start sucking up to him. He was still part of that military machine. Doesn't matter if he had a change of heart or whatever.
Yeah, man. Redemption and forgiveness? Fuck that, that's for chumps.
Strangely enough, reincarnation was something that Patton himself seemed to firmly believe in. In his 1922 poem, Through a Glass, Darkly, he claimed to have, in his past lives, slain a mammoth, stabbed Jesus in His side as Longinus, and to have fought in the armies of such leaders as Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte.
i wouldn't doubt anything except the part where he claims to have inflicted the holy wound