Conspiracy We are cattle in a pen-opticon


Well-known member

The notion that the federal government of USA surveils the general public has been somewhat widely accepted, at least in certain circles. There's an understanding that the federal agencies have access to whatever they need (want) but this has sort of been taken in jest (meme related). For the notion of someone's entire internet or cellular activity being monitored seems ridiculous. Every person being assigned an agent to constantly monitor their behavior and report on it? What an unrealistic prospect. The manpower necessary would be insane. But it isn't manpower. As AI has gone mainstream people realized whatever technology we are currently being allowed to fool around with like the fucking cattle we are, the agencies whose funding is numbered in tens of millions per day, these technologies have probably been available for decades in the past. Perhaps a person isn't monitoring all of your activities, but an AI trained on detecting potential threats, wrong thinkers and other undesirables absolutely can. A perfect application of a restless, all-seeing idol, like that black watcher at the top of Karaba's hut

A person didn't hand pick these 2 million people.
>duh of course FBI had AI decades before we did
Imagine what they have now?
>inb4 literally 1984
What gets me is how casual people are about it. They joke about “the FBI guy watching my webcam,” but no one asks what happens when those jokes stop being funny. When your digital footprint gets you flagged for simply questioning the narrative, suddenly you’re on a no-fly list, or your bank decides it’s too risky to do business with you. You don’t even need an Orwellian boot stomping on a face when you can make people self-censor out of fear.
What gets me is how casual people are about it.
It's because they're literal cattle and will unironically repeat the mantra of "nothing to hide, nothing to fear". I was surprised that privacy wasn't a given to some people, how I'll say how much information is gathered by browsers, how phones are always listening, how even taking out your battery doesn't stop the phone from recording, and niggas just don't care.
Privacy is just too much of an abstract concept for the normies to care about
The no fly list sucks a little bit extra because you don't know if you're on it until you're trying to board the plane.

One misconception is that there is just one list. There are a lot of lists, and they aren't all equal. Some lists that definitely exist are based on capabilities you have. Love open source? Know linux? Use privacy technologies? Those are known lists. I bet there are lists for things like guns, ham radio, combat experience or medical knowledge. Doesn't mean they think you're a terrorist, but they still want to be able to check for intersection of that list with suspects or other lists.
Love open source? Know linux? Use privacy technologies? Those are known lists. I bet there are lists for things like guns, ham radio, combat experience or medical knowledge. Doesn't mean they think you're a terrorist, but they still want to be able to check for intersection of that list with suspects or other lists.
Using Tor even once is game over yet most people think it's private, kek. A lot of these privacy tools are just backdoors for authorities to keep tabs on you.