Caged Turkish woman goes to India

Like OP said, I hate pajeets as well as foids.
I can't decide who to hate more.
Pajeets like that were the ones that bullied me in school.
Foids like that were the ones who rejected me, laughed at me and banged chad, furthering my mental health issues.

They both deserve my vengence.

If the foid was Japanese or English, I could've looked past the extra X chromosome, since Japs and the English saved my life. But Turks and the Irish, are enemies of the English and the Japanese. But then, the foid isn't dressed like a sandnegress, so maybe she hates turks too, which is based.
She's getting stares from the local pajeets despite directly recording them lol. They have absolutely no sense of shame.
But then again, I also hate women so idc if the pajeets bother her. Her fault for going to a foreign country alone and dressing like a slut. @SoytanEnthusiast come look at this geg.
Brainless bitch. The correct action to take is to keep the camera on, go to the airport, fly back to Turkey and never travel outside of your homeland ever again. I saw this video on YouTube too and it really
But then, the foid isn't dressed like a sandnegress, so maybe she hates turks too
Ohio, a lot of Turkish women don't wear the hijab (which they should,) also pretty much every turkish person loves turkey and I bet she loves turkey much more after this interaction with some friendly indian gentlemen
Brainless bitch. The correct action to take is to keep the camera on, go to the airport, fly back to Turkey and never travel outside of your homeland ever again. I saw this video on YouTube too and it really

Ohio, a lot of Turkish women don't wear the hijab (which they should,) also pretty much every turkish person loves turkey and I bet she loves turkey much more after this interaction with some friendly indian gentlemen
It's about the body count. Not the outfit.
Besides, foids only wear traditional clothing to present themselves as exotic to chad.
Perhaps in India, but in Turkey a lot of them are forced to by their family or by other means (based.)
The people who force foids to cover up are the same people who want to take away our vidya and force us to pray to their cringe sand religion.

Again, body count, not clothing.

Every high body count foid I've known has been covered.
>*stares at your sub5 roastie body awkwardly while you're recording them and trying to shame them into stopping*

Indian culture is so insanely misogynistic that the British were disgusted. A point of misogyny that even I'm opposed to. The groom's family will kill the bride if she doesn't give a big enough present. Abuse is more common than most turd world nations and Shitslamic countries. Horrible place, even a 1/10 foid shouldn't be within 10 miles of India, along with every other Middle Eastern country, if they don't want their bobs and vagene to be caressed.