this could of been you

How people can stoop so low as to engage in such abominable acts as race mixing is beyond me. I remember going to a wedding and seeing some distant blood of mine with some darkie like the one in the video. What a damn eyesore, spoilt the view whenever she crossed my sight.
How people can stoop so low as to engage in such abominable acts as race mixing is beyond me. I remember going to a wedding and seeing some distant blood of mine with some darkie like the one in the video. What a damn eyesore, spoilt the view whenever she crossed my sight.
White women are race traitors and dog fuckers. I’m not surprised that they would rather have sex with a beast than their own race.
How people can stoop so low as to engage in such abominable acts as race mixing is beyond me. I remember going to a wedding and seeing some distant blood of mine with some darkie like the one in the video. What a damn eyesore, spoilt the view whenever she crossed my sight.
was it wmbf or viceversa?
either way both need the rope
My mixed-race friend at school (the guy I pray and read scripture with in the mornings, I may've mentioned him here previously) was actually able to find a mixed-race woman who he started dating back in October (he's Asian and Black, she's a Mulatta). They seem quite happy together, as they're both in the same choir class as I am at school, and they're always smiling at each other from across the room when their gazes meet in there, then quickly heading off together to walk with held hands when class ends. I am at least glad that the woman has a person learned in the faith to guide her, since I had her in one of my classes the previous year, and I was able to observe that she seemed very quiet and solemn all the time, as if something troubled her in her personal life. She looks to have brightened up now, however, so perhaps all it took was kindly companionship with a wise fellow of a similar ethnic circumstance. Seeing them both as a couple is peculiar to my eyes, even as it warms my heart to see their joyful love, as they're the first couple I've seen where either of their sets of parents were plain race-mixers. Simply, it's an interesting observation that I made.