Caged The story of a former friend who became a tranny

1Based Frog1

Well-known member
Buckle in faggots because this is going to be a long story.

I'll start with how i met him. Years ago, when i was still just a freshman back in high school i was paired up with this dorky looking kid for some activity we had to do in gym class. Considering i wasn't much worth talking about either, we surprisingly ended up hitting it off rather well. We both had a common interest in vidya which we regularly discussed with each other and soon enough he ended up inviting me to hang out at his home. When i arrived i ended up getting introduced to his sister who had a killer rack and his mother who was an obese landwhale, which was a rather amusing contrast. Keep in mind that his sister is going to play a very important role early on, as she was actually the first to "transition" into becoming a male.

Anyways, i go into his room and i see that it's practically a mess. Game cases and other shit like his clothes and controller wires are sprawled out all over the floor and it's essentially like wandering a minefield with how i was trying to avoid stepping on everything. This is where i learned he was a bigger weeb than i had thought, as he also owned quite a few manga that wasn't the usual surface level stuff and had some anime shows stored away in a different shelf. Not that it particularly bothered me, considering i just wanted to play video games with him. In hindsight, these weren't just red flags i was ignoring but practically an entire alarm.

So the next few years are actually quite comfy. I would visit every so often, play vidya and shoot the shit, and just generally hang out. We were good friends, i got closer with his family, even tried taking a few shots at his sister which unfortunately (but more fortunately in hindsight) didn't go well but whatever. So it seems like everything is perfect, right? Let's just say that everything was about to be turned on it's head very abruptly, and it was all thanks to his sister.

His sister had quite a few mental problems to put it lightly. She was chronically online, spending most of her time either on shit tok or on shitcord. This all finally built up to the point where she declared that she was a "male" and started demanding that everyone refer to her as such. Despite that, she still loved proudly flaunting her massive tits and dressing up like a whore, even saying she was proud of being one at some point. Pretty much no one took her seriously except her mother, who coddled her and gladly gave into everything she said without a second thought. Now where it starts to get fucked is when she ended up asking her parents if she could meet this other mentally ill faggot she was talking with on discord, who lived in an entire different city than they were. What was the parents response? THEY TOOK HER OUT TO VISIT HER FAGBUDDY AND LEFT HER ALONE WITH THEM FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK. I legitimately wish i was making this shit up. You want to know the cherry on top of it all? When they finally came to pick her back up, when my friend said he saw her again, she had hickies on her neck. It was at this point where the relationship between these two was starting to get even more rocky than it already was before. One moment i remember being around for was when she barged into his room bitching at him to clean up their pet rabbit’s cage, and they got into a massive argument for around 3 minutes if i remember right before she just fucked off and did it anyway.

I wasn’t around for this event particularly, but another crowning moment in their sibling rivalry is when while they were at a family event upstate or some shit, they got into once again another argument, which concluded with her yelling at him to shut the fuck up in front of all their family members. I only heard about this from word of mouth from his mother and my own, but one thing that also stood out to me was that their own mother said she was “legitimately embarrassed”. Didn’t stop her from still spoiling the sister because humiliating your family is okay when it’s a roastie that does it.

Now let’s go rewind time a little bit, before the family event took place. My friend had recently stopped coming to school much to my confusion, and when i messaged him about it he said he was “too depressed” to go because he was failing all his classes. Pretty gay of him in hindsight to just avoid the problem instead of confronting it but that’s not what im discussing right now. I end up going months without seeing him, and once i finally hear from again he tells me straight up that he dropped out of school because he was flunking too hard. This pretty much marked the point where i stopped physically meeting up with him outside of maybe 1 or 2 rare scenarios when i was basically forced to go because it was his birthday or a holiday.

This should have been mentioned earlier, but the service that he messaged me on was Discord. Want to know why this important? Because this is where he started to participate in Persona RP servers, which im convinced is where he probably started getting the idea to troon out. He ended up meeting up with some other faggots, who invited him to a server called Loki’s Lounge which was just a hangout place for them to interact and talk about what STD’s they contacted from the niggers they got plowed from. He actually invited me on there as well, and for the most part i was AFK, just watching what the other members and my friend were getting up to. Probably my favorite moment was when someone ended up buying a confederate flag and the whole server threw a collective chimp out while i was laughing my ass off behind the monitor.

Eventually i got bored of monitoring these faggots and i decided to come up with a fun way to get myself banned. Luckily the buffalo supermarket shootings happened and the shooter’s steam profile was leaked, so i posted a link to the server along with an offshoot server in the comments saying it was streaming the full video. Cue tons of retards spamming shooting gifs and gore in the general chat. I was banned not long after and i haven’t interacted with the faggots since and everything was perfect again, The End!!!.. Except i still was talking to my friend. You would think he would have a backbone and tell me off for harassing his discord sisters or something, but he only seemed mildly annoyed and told me not to do it again. Seems based, but remember this is a tranny we’re dealing with. Funny to think how im only finally getting to the good part after typing out an entire greek epic.

So you would think with my friend having a vile hatred for his sister, that he would not want to be anything like her right? Well i ended up being wrong, because he fell down the tranny rabbit hole just like her. It started when i decided to visit him for what would end up being the last time i interact with him. When i addressed him by his name upon seeing him, he got visibly uncomfortable and told me to refer to him by his new name instead. I went silent, simply nodded, and spent the rest of my time at his house simply avoiding him whenever i could. When i finally was able to go home that day, i realized that this tranny was just a lost cause and the best thing to do was to let him go. From that day on, i stopped interacting with him and spent the remainder of my school days alone, but at least I was contempt with myself. He still did try to get in contact with me a few times, with the final one being his mother trying to invite me over to celebrate their cat’s birthday, but i ignored them and thankfully they stopped pestering me.

What’s funny is that even with this entire great wall of china length text, i still feel like there’s more to discuss about him. Not even just him actually, but his entire family i could go at length about and how completely fucked in the head they all were. There’s so much i want to blogpost about, but at this point im getting tired and want to take a nap.

tldr: someone i used to know is a tranny working at shoprite now
>with the final one being his mother trying to invite me over to celebrate their cat’s birthday
Who the fuck does this?
they were gonna hook him on some drugs probably and get him to fuck his troon-out buddy
there's no genuine reason for inviting someone over your cat's birthday jfl
Great story, rare wall of text that was a good read. Sad that the friend didn't try and help prevent the troonout, but it's a weird scenario and navigating that must've been hard.
Great story, rare wall of text that was a good read. Sad that the friend didn't try and help prevent the troonout, but it's a weird scenario and navigating that must've been hard.
you can't really just tell them to stop trooning out unless they're like since-birth level of close
he should have redpilled them on trannies when he was showing signs of early faggotry or just made it clear that he would dump him if he ever went with it and then it would be left to the friend to choose between being normal or following his transition fantasies
at the end of the day he probably roped at this point considering when the original text was written so rest in peace manbear's troonbuddy