The Nazis believed Thor’s Hammer existed. Do you?


New mem>ack!
Himmler requested a search for evidence of Thor’s hammer to the Ahnenerbe (a Nazi research center) in a letter from May 1940:

“Have the following researched: Find all places in the northern Germanic Aryan cultural world where an understanding of the lightning bolt, the thunderbolt, Thor’s hammer, or the flying or thrown hammer exists, in addition to all the sculptures of the god depicted with a small hand axe emitting lightning. Please collect all of the pictorial, sculptural, written and mythological evidence of this. I am convinced that this is not based on natural thunder and lightning, but rather that it is an early, highly developed form of war weapon of our forefathers, which was only, of course, possessed by the Aesir, the gods, and that it implies an unheard of knowledge of electricity.”

Otto Rahn, a trained German philologist, believed in the stories of the Holy Grail and sought to prove its existence. Himmler was intrigued by this man’s beliefs and provided funding for Rahn to go out and prove his theories true.

Himmler also came into contact with a man named Yrjö von Grönhagen. By Himmler’s request, he sent Yrjö on a mission to find evidence of witches and sorcerers in Finland.

The Master Plan by Heather Pringle (2006, Hyperion)

Heinrich Himmler: A Life by Peter Longerich (2011, Oxford University Press)


Perhaps The Allies would have fallen if The Axis Powers had recovered these ancient relics?
Perhaps The Allies would have fallen if The Axis Powers had recovered these ancient relics?
What I have to ask is how they would harness the power of the hammer once they found it. Would they have a bomber fly over the battlefield with a guy sticking the hammer out from under the bomb hatch in order to cast lightning on enemy positions below? Would they have to find a guy whose name also happens to be Thor to hold it and transport it from place to place? Could it act as a "boomerang nuke", in the sense that it always returns to the hand of its wielder after being thrown at something, and also happens to have the power to destroy huge swathes of land upon impact, so that some guy could just toss it off of a plane onto an enemy army, have it fly back up to him, repeat, and completely decimate the whole of the enemy group in moments from these repeated bombardments? Sounds like a lot of possibilities. I wonder if Himmler ever thought that far into the idea.
What I have to ask is how they would harness the power of the hammer once they found it. Would they have a bomber fly over the battlefield with a guy sticking the hammer out from under the bomb hatch in order to cast lightning on enemy positions below? Would they have to find a guy whose name also happens to be Thor to hold it and transport it from place to place? Could it act as a "boomerang nuke", in the sense that it always returns to the hand of its wielder after being thrown at something, and also happens to have the power to destroy huge swathes of land upon impact, so that some guy could just toss it off of a plane onto an enemy army, have it fly back up to him, repeat, and completely decimate the whole of the enemy group in moments from these repeated bombardments? Sounds like a lot of possibilities. I wonder if Himmler ever thought that far into the idea.
I believe the lore goes no one being can wield Mjolnir except Thor himself. Otherwise, you need the strength of 4 giants to lift the hammer. I have no idea what Himmler was thinking wasting money on looking for something no one can lift.
What I have to ask is how they would harness the power of the hammer once they found it. Would they have a bomber fly over the battlefield with a guy sticking the hammer out from under the bomb hatch in order to cast lightning on enemy positions below? Would they have to find a guy whose name also happens to be Thor to hold it and transport it from place to place? Could it act as a "boomerang nuke", in the sense that it always returns to the hand of its wielder after being thrown at something, and also happens to have the power to destroy huge swathes of land upon impact, so that some guy could just toss it off of a plane onto an enemy army, have it fly back up to him, repeat, and completely decimate the whole of the enemy group in moments from these repeated bombardments? Sounds like a lot of possibilities. I wonder if Himmler ever thought that far into the idea.
they would have done all of those
I believe the lore goes no one being can wield Mjolnir except Thor himself. Otherwise, you need the strength of 4 giants to lift the hammer. I have no idea what Himmler was thinking wasting money on looking for something no one can lift.
im pretty sure they could have lifted it with a couple of cranes
he was going to search for Thor next, obviously.
they would have searched for his genetic descendants if he even left any
I’m a bit confused on why Hitler permitted Himmler to waste time and resources chasing a myth. Hitler himself was not interested in the occult, after all.
himmler is the father of retarded pagan larp even hitler loathed him for it saying he should spend time doing government shit instead of looking for mythological shit from an extinct religion

He betrayed Hitler at the very end, I wish Himmler should've been assassinated not Heydrich

Total non-sense. Hitler had a fuckin' androgyne wife and loved occult faggotry.
Would love to see some proof regarding both these claims, Considering there is more than enough accounts of Hitler telling Himmler to fuck off with the occultist shit
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He betrayed Hitler at the very end, I wish Himmler should've been assassinated not Heydrich

Would love to see some proof regarding both these claims, Considering there is more than enough accounts of Hitler telling Himmler to fuck off with the occultist shit
Fake bullshit. They all escaped to Argentina, this is even mainstream normie history now.