History The claim that society was better in the past


Staff member
Do you believe this to be true? That the quality of life deteriorated after The Industrial Revolution? I understand that there was a greater emphasis on community and human connection, but on the other hand, those with medical conditions were doomed to die early. And the threat of war seemed to be a yearly occurrence.
Society was better in the past because it put more emphasis on the common man and his limitations to be able to perform the work allotted to him. If you applied the same standards of today to the man from yesterday, he would never be able to fulfill them. A man can now instantly communicate with his friends, he can hit on women from 100 miles away, he can watch the world's greatest entertainment from his phone, and the food he cooked the night before can be re-heated and be eaten again the next day.
People who suck off the past have never lived in it. If you asked the man of 100 years ago if he would be able to fly(!) across the continent in under a day, he would of called you crazy and told you to get the fuck away from him. Here we are in 2024 worried about the purchasing power of a global currency (the dollar) and worry about the Federal Reserve raising or lowering the interest rates because it might make gas or sushi more expensive. The man of the 1920's would of died to live a life we live right now, with all its faults and benefits.
I think life was higher quality so long as you didn’t scrape your arm and die from infection. (Maybe it didn’t happen that easily but you get the idea.) Society used to have traditional values so you weren’t forced to engage with degeneracy like LGTV propaganda which is a poison to the mind. No pollution. No soycial media. Quality over quantity.
he would of called you crazy and told you to get the fuck away from him.
They would’ve accused you of performing witchcraft if you showed them how a phone works.
It was absolutely better. The modern age is demonic. But I won't elaborate because people never listen to my explanations on this topic and they all prefer to project their dumb assumptions and false knowledge to the past. That's why you have retards who unironically believe medieval peasants dropped dead in their 30's or some other false idea.
i am not a sub-90 iq boomer that says anything technologic was handcrafted by satan himself but i do admit, the internet and every piece of technology in the modern era has played a partial role in the judification of society and other slow degradations, it also has undeniably spread the message but kind of butchered it more than it already is, the modern mechanical advances are probably one of the few things worth keeping, instead of having to sail a boat for 1-2 months to reach other places without any kind of effective surveillance (and all of that if you were an aristocrat or had partial connections to some elitists) you get bullet-speed trains and planes that let you fly to the other side of the world in less than a day
i am not a sub-90 iq boomer that says anything technologic was handcrafted by satan himself but i do admit, the internet and every piece of technology in the modern era has played a partial role in the judification of society and other slow degradations, it also has undeniably spread the message but kind of butchered it more than it already is, the modern mechanical advances are probably one of the few things worth keeping, instead of having to sail a boat for 1-2 months to reach other places without any kind of effective surveillance (and all of that if you were an aristocrat or had partial connections to some elitists) you get bullet-speed trains and planes that let you fly to the other side of the world in less than a day
I agree. I’d take it a step further and say we can even keep modern technological advancements without destroying our communities. But it requires effort on both the government and the average citizen to intertwine both. I can’t see that happening in a non-homogeneous nation, however.
Do you believe this to be true? That the quality of life deteriorated after The Industrial Revolution? I understand that there was a greater emphasis on community and human connection, but on the other hand, those with medical conditions were doomed to die early. And the threat of war seemed to be a yearly occurrence.
It most certainly did... look at the buildings and the way we traveled.
@DOLL Your history is fake baby.. ^^^
I think life was higher quality so long as you didn’t scrape your arm and die from infection.

This is mainstream normie history. No one died of infections like this... the Spanish flu was a retard psyop too, fake as shit.

Modern "technlogy" has medical malpractice as the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA. Which means medical mistakes are the 3rd biggest killer in the USA lol.

I rarely put anything on cuts or scrapes, even stepping on a nail that went 2cm in. Running thru the jungles, cutting down trees, never get any sort of infection.. and if something starts to look bad I just wipe some raw aloe vera juice on it and swim in the ocean and it's gone within a day...

People were much smarter back then, drinking teas and had homecare medical remedies that actually worked..

Now dumbasses throwing on some random chemical and covering it with a bandaid to literally hold in the bacteria so your skin can't heal.. drinking 6 gallons of fake GMO sugar while watching Netflix... society is dumb as shit.
People who suck off the past have never lived in it. If you asked the man of 100 years ago if he would be able to fly(!) across the continent in under a day, he would of called you crazy and told you to get the fuck away from him. Here we are in 2024 worried about the purchasing power of a global currency (the dollar) and worry about the Federal Reserve raising or lowering the interest rates because it might make gas or sushi more expensive. The man of the 1920's would of died to live a life we live right now, with all its faults and benefits.

Zeppelins could cross the ocean in about a week and were quite fancy...
I don't worry about any of that shit anymore..
Pretty much live like a old school modern day tarzan pilgrim..

It was absolutely better. The modern age is demonic. But I won't elaborate because people never listen to my explanations on this topic and they all prefer to project their dumb assumptions and false knowledge to the past. That's why you have retards who unironically believe medieval peasants dropped dead in their 30's or some other false idea.
  1. Aedra becoming a Chud Star.
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This is mainstream normie history. No one died of infections like this... the Spanish flu was a retard psyop too, fake as shit.

Modern "technlogy" has medical malpractice as the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA. Which means medical mistakes are the 3rd biggest killer in the USA lol.

I rarely put anything on cuts or scrapes, even stepping on a nail that went 2cm in. Running thru the jungles, cutting down trees, never get any sort of infection.. and if something starts to look bad I just wipe some raw aloe vera juice on it and swim in the ocean and it's gone within a day...

People were much smarter back then, drinking teas and had homecare medical remedies that actually worked..

Now dumbasses throwing on some random chemical and covering it with a bandaid to literally hold in the bacteria so your skin can't heal.. drinking 6 gallons of fake GMO sugar while watching Netflix... society is dumb as shit.
Alright but you can’t deny surgery is a lifesaver.
It was absolutely better. The modern age is demonic. But I won't elaborate because people never listen to my explanations on this topic and they all prefer to project their dumb assumptions and false knowledge to the past. That's why you have retards who unironically believe medieval peasants dropped dead in their 30's or some other false idea.
I think that it would be helpful to people on here if you explained through these thoughts a bit. I already know your reasoning from past conversations, but I feel like other people would also listen to what you have to say here, as I can't think of anyone on here who would make the stupid assumptions you're thinking of.
I think that it would be helpful to people on here if you explained through these thoughts a bit. I already know your reasoning from past conversations, but I feel like other people would also listen to what you have to say here, as I can't think of anyone on here who would make the stupid assumptions you're thinking of.
Maybe later.
Alright but you can’t deny surgery is a lifesaver.
Depends who is doing the surgery and why.
I almost got fucked by a retard doctor when they put two screws in my shoulder and cut me open. Broken collar bone from dirt biking..

By a blessing, another doctor put the bitch in her place and they did the surgery correctly. If not I'd have been fucked. So it goes both ways, and 99% of surgeries are not necessary. Removing organs because you eat too much sugar and shit is retard mode.

Again, medical malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death, in most cases, you're better off not going to the doctor.
Do you believe this to be true? That the quality of life deteriorated after The Industrial Revolution? I understand that there was a greater emphasis on community and human connection, but on the other hand, those with medical conditions were doomed to die early. And the threat of war seemed to be a yearly occurrence.
Well, I guess you could say that the French Revolution was the turning point from which we turned from our moral and pious civilized ways to left-wing degenerate insanity and satanism.
Do you believe this to be true? That the quality of life deteriorated after The Industrial Revolution? I understand that there was a greater emphasis on community and human connection, but on the other hand, those with medical conditions were doomed to die early. And the threat of war seemed to be a yearly occurrence.
ottomans were le better
I think we lost a bit of humanity with each advancement we made. For every convenience we pay in our humanity, independence and ability. Our lives may be easier, but they have to be. We've made ourselves an environment that conditions us to be dependent on it. Like a prison of our making. The man of the past may have been in more hardship but he was built for it. He lived a life more in tune with the human nature. That's the paradox of glazing the past, it was worse but it made us better.