Thanks for not hard banning me!

I guess it makes sense that men need their own spaces like how women do, so I appreciate not being hard banned. Also no, the name Soyteen Liker doesn't mean I like underage teenagers sexually, it means I like 'jakkers as posters but "jakker liker" sounds stupid.

And for something unrelated, I sometimes go through epochs of time where nearly every food feels sloppy and unappetizing so I just drink a lot of stuff. I don't know if it's the beginning of an eating disorder so hopefully it goes away. Thanks for listening.
Why use a chud forum as a woman?
They're chock full of autists and it's one of the only other alternatives that aren't leftist/tranny "uwu smol bean excited flappy hands" niggerhells.

I love autists, almost everyone I have ever liked has been autistic. I subconsciously drift toward autism. Autism is love, autism is life. I wish I was more autistic, not to be confused with being less functioning autistic though.
They're chock full of autists and it's one of the only other alternatives that aren't leftist/tranny "uwu smol bean excited flappy hands" niggerhells.

I love autists, almost everyone I have ever liked has been autistic. I subconsciously drift toward autism. Autism is love, autism is life. I wish I was more autistic, not to be confused with being less functioning autistic though.
Where do you live, what time will you be home tonight, is the door locked and whats your preferred method of getting raped?
Where do you live, what time will you be home tonight, is the door locked and whats your preferred method of getting raped?
I live in the state of confusion, I'm never home, the door to my soul isn't quite locked nor open. My preferred method of getting raped is by the pooner rapeson because I like soyjaks and the normal rapeson might get me pregnant D:
I live in the state of confusion, I'm never home, the door to my soul isn't quite locked nor open. My preferred method of getting raped is by the pooner rapeson because I like soyjaks and the normal rapeson might get me pregnant D:
Actually on second thought, I wanted to avoid saying being raped by a woman because that would be homosexual but a pooner is probably not much better.
Lmao I would react with a caged reaction if I could. I used to post the still image on political threads on forums during the 2016 elections because they were overdone.
It reminds of the "not funny didn't laugh" meme variants, something about them feels a lot more funny than it's mean spirited "touch grass" cousin.