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I don't really Do Stem. Being sorta smart in STEM is the equivalent of being a genius in social sciences In my View despite That. I like social sciences a lot so you know im not biased. Social sciencecels when they find out discovering something doesn't just mean conjecture that sounds nice. Social Science Niggas hear One Stat and They Think They figured it all out Interesting. Someone once said "social sciencecels when they find out you have to actually prove things with more evidence than 'this nigga said in his book'" But Really Im Lazy I don't Fuck with Books Anymore, I make my Opinions from worse Shit Like Stuff I read Online. explaining evidence to a social science Dude "imagine God was a Nigga and Wrote A Book" I will never take psychology serious as long as they are mentioning jung or freud. It's like if the basis for physics class was the book from democritus on atoms, or some of Those Other dudes from that Period. I would give up ever saying retard if I could say nigga. Timothy the only black guy who was my friend who I never said nigga to. I had this tall as black friend and he thought it was funny af when I said nigga we were chill niggas. In Middle School. Actually I had a retarded sped friend in elementary school but I didn't think to ever say nigga to him, I knew Nigger was a bad Word But I hadn't thought to call him One. He was really scared of Deers also. Anyway the Tall Nigga in Middleschool Well he beat up a mexican kid for calling him the hard r, but he still wanted me to say nigga tho cus he knew when I said nigga I said that shit with love. I Don't Hate Nigga even if They Are Comitting Crime, Unless it's Really Bad, but not all do. I wish society would let me Say Nigga I only say it from the heart. If people like Cristian (IRL Chud friend) didn't Say Nigga/Er with so much Hate Black People would battle the Liberal Elite so we could say Nigga. Really Hate is not the worst, but maybe it Is I don't Know. It is Saying it Like a Bum that is a big problem. But niggas hear Cristian say nigga with no aura So They Don't Wage That Battle. Cus if they do then Cristian and other Bums would be able to say it scott free. We live in an Unjust world and Niggas know that Better than Anyone. 99% of Niggas like when That teacher from Ohio said "Can You lend a Nigga A pencil?". He must have said it with No Aura once. That one Kid who reported that teacher to the Higher Ups, probably Didn't do it cus he was Racist Towards whites but because the teacher must have done something Annoying, an example Where Racism is less Bad than Things like being Annoying. Maybe It was Just. If you said Nigga with No Aura or with Hate, you would think Nigga don't let us say it cus they Hate Whites. You can't Mumble "Nigger". Enunciate. They would let Us Say Nigga if Chuds didn't make the Same Joke about George Floyd over and Over. Most of them Don't Like George Floyd, they just thought it was Overdone. The Joke was Overdone they Believe. The Ones Where George Floyd was a Mushroom were Good though. Keeping Us on Edge about What we Can and Can't Say Makes Us Funnier. I Would Never call Timothy a Nigga cus I think he is White. My Heart wouldn't be In It. You The Reader Lack Context, Timothy is black technically but He Acts White. I'm Done with Retard. Now that Everyone Says it Again, I am Against It. Maybe. And When i say Retard it Also comes from Love but not for Most people. I use Retard like in a Friendly Way. I can't afford to be Misinterpreted. I don't say Tranny or hate on Trans People because if They are FOrced to Hide that Fact then you Could be fucking someone Who Wishes They were A man and That is gross. Actually I Do say Tranny just not to Them But I don't even Remember it's a Slur. I think they are all Mentally Ill to be honest, it is a Complicated Situation. Gender is tied to sex in my view. Anyway. What I Don't Like About Transgender is that when you Online you never know if a Woman is A Woman. But again it may be a Good thing. It trains you to be Able to sense when Someone is trans Online, so you gain a skill, and Life is about the collection of Various Skills some say. In my Ideal World they would know They are Not their Real Gender, but I would Want them to think They are their Own Gender: Trans. I don't Enjoy Being around them I think it is gross. But I am not God. Some believe we Don't Live in a perfect World But an Optimal World, that a God created the best of what he Could with poor materials. Plato said something like that. But I don't know, why say that Nigga like How Am I gonna prove that or disagree with that or agree with that. I enjoy learning about Science cus when you get a complicated topic you "Get it" and it's a real deep euphoria, same with Math. But I am lazy with math So yeah. They Should Just not be Acting like they are The real Gender they Claim. I say it With Love. In Regards to Black People, their IQ scores are Disconcerting. (You can't Say Nigga in This Context, it's purely Analytical.) I once heard a statement "Whenever he hangs out his mom ropes him into a 20 minute call of nagging" I replied "She Knows he is Going to Maybe Die everytime that Nigga drives... He going to Die in that Shitty Car. He thinks he is Driving a Lambo. Really it's A Kia Soul." Native American and Hispanic also Face Discrimination Yet Their IQ is only a bit lower. Where it Kinda Makes Sense. Also Natives Live Without clean Water so It's hard to think. There was a measles outbreak in Native Land near us, how can They Be Focused on Thinking in This situation I get it. It Makes Sense that All Non-Africans would not have a real IQ different independent of Poverty. We all Came from a Common Population that Left Africa within a relatively Short Period. The Africans in Africa are more Genetically Diverse than Everyone Outside. If there Are Pygmy African then Why Can't They also Be stupid? Native American shot Bow and Arrow for A long time, So it makes Sense they would Only be Lower IQ due to Culture because they Like Primitive Things, and Their IQ is Only a bit Lower. They Even live in Lands where Technology is Shunned besides Walmart and Slop. Africans live in Cities with Many Things and have For a Long time, and Even Have Role Models like Martin Luther King, yet They are Significantly Dumber. I haven't heard of a Indian Role Model, that's a Lie the Only ones I've heard of Are Culturally Insensitive Descriptions with Red Skin and from Movies Aka the Noble Savage, so They Somehow are not as Dumb As Many Black People still despite all of This. They even Inspired terms like "Ooga Booga"I can't say I think Failing African Countries is proof Africans are Dumber, they got a Hard Deal. I would say that is not Good Evidence.