Caged So when did chudjak officially become safe-edgy coal?

I don't know, that was just my guess since you asked for a specific "when". I don't think there really was an "event" that did it, it just kind of slowly seeped into Twitter and other platforms overtime.
ok, from like the sharty and 4chan?

So Now Chud will forever be known for twitter-tier-unfunny-low-effort-shitpost-coal?
Saw this while browsing the 'tube randomly it went viral even my brother who is not into this knows and has seen this video
You see??? Niggers ruining everything and now niggers are taking the chud name. Told yall the niggers are the ones the rule the world and not the jesuits @nagolbud
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Nigger is literally the only thing safe from becoming safe edgy
it is and it will always be funny too folks were saying nigger in the 1700's and laughed and people in the 2020s laugh at it still the only difference is you could say it to a nigger back then
Nigger is literally the only thing safe from becoming safe edgy
zooms already plaster the word in some of their tikgook audios
the good thing is it makes milleniGALS seethe but the bad thing is it desensitizes the word and considering gen z is supposed to be the "diverse" generation we may see people use it as a joke in 20 or 30 years
zooms already plaster the word in some of their tikgook audios
the good thing is it makes milleniGALS seethe but the bad thing is it desensitizes the word and considering gen z is supposed to be the "diverse" generation we may see people use it as a joke in 20 or 30 years
Are you referring to the “brick by brick” meme on Insta?
zooms already plaster the word in some of their tikgook audios
the good thing is it makes milleniGALS seethe but the bad thing is it desensitizes the word and considering gen z is supposed to be the "diverse" generation we may see people use it as a joke in 20 or 30 years
evendoe thats tomfoolery that people including the youth have been doing since the dawn of time