Skyrim races irl

Redguards feel more like a mix of arabs and niggers though. In terms of culture that is. High elves definitely resemble kikes but idk about other elves like wood elves or dark elves.
I always thought of Imperials more as Italians or other such Southern Europeans. They have the Roman thing going on with their culture, alongside having skin fairer than the Nords or Bretons.
More Accurate Version

Argonians : Aztecs/Vietnamese/Mexicans

Khajiit : Indians

Redguards : Taureg People/Sub Saharan Arabs

High Elves : Jews/Tolkenien High Elves

Wood Elves : Unique Culture

Dark Elves : Assyrians/Ancient Akkadians(the Ashlanders)

Orcs : Native Americans

Nords : Scandinavians/Goths/Germanic Peoples

Imperials : Romans

Bretons : Celts/Britons/Anglos
Argonian - curries

Khajiit - sands

Redguard - negros

Nord - nord

Breton - celt

Imperial - anglo

Orcs - nigger

Elves - jews
More accurate:

Argonian - Mexicans/Injuns

Khajiit - Gypsies

Redguard - Negros + Arabs

Nord - Northern Europeans, mainly Germanic

Breton - French

Imperial (Colovian) - Northern Italian
Imperial (Nibenese) - Greek

Orcs - Mongols, Huns, Turks

Altmer - English + Japanese
Bosmer - Celtic + Injun
Dunmer - Indian + Southern WASP
Khajiits are more akin to Churkas, Tajiks, Dags and ever subcategory of "Mudslime Slavs" who migrate into Russia and Europe, they're hairy, unwashed, jewish by heart, annoying, stranges names, ugly faces, deformed.
Khajiits are more akin to Churkas, Tajiks, Dags and ever subcategory of "Mudslime Slavs" who migrate into Russia and Europe, they're hairy, unwashed, jewish by heart, annoying, stranges names, ugly faces, deformed.
the name khajit itself sounds slavic