Gaming Remakes always look soulless


The Bee W Sea

Look at how dull, washed out colors on the bottom pic compared to the top. The lack of shadows and proper shading makes the whole game look flat. I don’t know why devs can’t replicate the look of the original game they’re remaking.


^ Ape Escape remake vs original.


The lighting is always turned up so high. Like they want to showcase how high tech their shitty lightning system is. Instead, everything ends up looking like shiny plastic.

Look at how dull, washed out colors on the bottom pic compared to the top. The lack of shadows and proper shading makes the whole game look flat. I don’t know why devs can’t replicate the look of the original game they’re remaking.


^ Ape Escape remake vs original.

View attachment 1619
The lighting is always turned up so high. Like they want to showcase how high tech their shitty lightning system is. Instead, everything ends up looking like shiny plastic.
I mean if we see things the way they are nowadays game designers don't give a shit about pleasing fans like they used too. I miss the days when they gave lots of fan services etc. They put soul into the game. Now it just feels half assed

Look at how dull, washed out colors on the bottom pic compared to the top. The lack of shadows and proper shading makes the whole game look flat. I don’t know why devs can’t replicate the look of the original game they’re remaking.


^ Ape Escape remake vs original.

View attachment 1619
The lighting is always turned up so high. Like they want to showcase how high tech their shitty lightning system is. Instead, everything ends up looking like shiny plastic.
This is because the charm was caused by the limitations. By getting rid of limitations they remove the guides that helped them (or forced them) to make striking and appealing visuals.
This holds true for starcraft remastered too
I thought the remasters of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare games (Modern Warfare: Remastered and Modern Warfare 2: Remastered) were done rather well. They maintained the "soul" of it all in a good manner while sprinkling pieces of their new graphical capabilities throughout either campaign.
I thought the remasters of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare games (Modern Warfare: Remastered and Modern Warfare 2: Remastered) were done rather well. They maintained the "soul" of it all in a good manner while sprinkling pieces of their new graphical capabilities throughout either campaign.
Just watched a comparison video and I agree. I’d even say the remakes look better than the originals.
This is because the charm was caused by the limitations. By getting rid of limitations they remove the guides that helped them (or forced them) to make striking and appealing visuals.
This holds true for starcraft remastered too
That doesn’t look too bad texture wise. The sprites are a huge downgrade though. They look more cartoony in high res with the brighter colors and less details.