Oh finally, something that actually interests me in this bigot incel chud website.
Reddit really hasn't been that great since the 2020 Chud ban wave, jeez that was almost five years ago. It was a very bloody day, many chuds got genocided and displaced. The remaining chuddy subreddits that somehow survived the ban wave were later killed by /r/AHS troonies. The only subreddit that I know of left that still allows you to say n***er would be /r/True_reddit, if used very minimal in the image (le subreddit is owned by a pooner lolz). Some chuds moved to Voat or Ruqqus but those didn't last long either.
The only place left on the world wide web where you can be chuddy are image boards which is gay balls, and forums which are alright but not as fun. But I could care less, I stopped being a bigot when I turned 16.