- Use Tor By Default, On Public WiFi
- Use Hardened Firefox If You MUST Use VPN
- Mullvad VPN, Paid In Monero, If Necessary
- No Real Names Should Ever Be Posted
- No Faces Either Of Course
- If You Must Use Voice Chat, Use A Voice Changer
Data Storage:
- Full Disk Encryption Via LUKS
- Message/File Encryption Via GPG, Works Even On Normie Platforms If You're Not An Idiot
- XMPP Encryption Via OMEMO, If You Use It
Operating Systems:
- Linux, Preferably Gentoo If You Have The Time + Will To Use It
- Android, Assuming You NEED Any Phone, Also, Use Burner SIMs + Old Burner Phones
- TailsOS, Just In Case
- Email, GPG Encrypt Things
- Forums, GPG Encrypt Emails + GPG Sign Public Messages
- XMPP, GPG Or OMEMO Encrypt Messages, You May Be Able To Combine Both Encryption Methods Btw
- Old ThinkPads (ofc)
- Hacked Androids
I would advise you also do stuff like google your real name to see what you can find. In my case, I have basically nothing to my real name. I've heard from some that you can just exploit EU regulations to remove data even if you're not in the EU, so try to remove as much of that as you can. I would also recommend going through existing aliases and deleting what is even slightly likely to dox you, particularly if you are using the same typing style everywhere + have leaked other details. Keep the details extremely vague. Sometimes, you may actually want to do the opposite of outright deleting all real-name social-media accounts, but only if you know how to blend in with normies. Realistically, you are just hiding from random internet anons, so it would be better to delete all social-media, rather than try to give the feds the idea that you're just a normie citizen.
I say only use Tor over public WiFi so it's harder to track the fact you use it, presuming the feds are an issue. They probably aren't, but it works as good measure. In general, you should keep *some* normalfag alias in order to make yourself seem less suspicious, but you don't have to use your real name usually. I've messed around with this to enough of an extent that I can reliably do so, without having to have real-name social-media or anything like that. Make things lead to dead ends. If they're endlessly looking through information and can't figure out what's real, even if someone gets the correct information, they may not be sure of it for so long that by the time it is confirmed as correct, it will likely be entirely irrelevant. I've heard you can also create an LLC and use that to purchase things such as property without having all your info registered to it, which if true, I will consider doing in order to avoid having to ever register personal information into public databases, if or when I am finally able to own land.
If you dropped out of high-school, and you have never went to college, even better (getting a GED should be fine, but even that may not be necessary in rare cases). If you're a dual-citizen of countries, such as the US and Canada, you could try seeing if you can have two legal names, one per country. You can leverage this to your advantage if it is legal, but I cannot confirm if it is, and you'd have to check the laws before attempting this. Also, you still have to know what you're doing, otherwise it will go wrong. There may be more, but this is the main stuff I can think of, and some of it already approaches "heavily inconvenient". To have extreme privacy + anonymity, you will have a ton of inconvenience. It is actually rather easy if you already live in the middle of nowhere, though, since you will already be used to interacting with your family and frens almost-exclusively, and thus, you aren't likely to get tracked especially if they don't usually email you or anything like that.