Psychologists can't raise children.

How many children raised by psychologists do you know?
I personally know one I think. Also the guy who shot Trump in July 2024 had both parents working in psychology. Also Jordan Peterson's daughter became a whore or some shit.

Also I asked my parents - who interact with WAY more people than me - about this and they agreed with it. They started to give examples of people they know that confirm this.
Therapists typically have a messed up personal life. Also, I think you need to be a bit of a psychopath to handle listening to countless stranger’s problems as your job.
Therapists typically have a messed up personal life. Also, I think you need to be a bit of a psychopath to handle listening to countless stranger’s problems as your job.
Adding on to this, it leads them to overanalyze their own kids. Instead of letting them develop naturally, they hyper-focus on potential issues, subtly projecting problems that weren’t even there to begin with.
For some reason children of psychologists tend to be somehow mentally ill or weird. Have you noticed this? And what is the reason for this?
Also it could be due to phycholigists understanding people and children a little to well for their own good to the point where it bugs them and they don’t wanna know things that they’d prefer not to