Our Greatest Ally Israel, At it again!


It was nice knowing y’all
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Israel is behind sending the Migrants and the Jews in our Government our opening the borders for them and activly replacing the native white population by the replacment with 3rd worlders. Retarded Kike shills on /pol/ Will say that Jews are our baddies against mass-migration but they are actually behind it fucking retarded reactionaries and mossad shills. Remember only Closed borders and Clean Thriving streets for Israel while we the whites have to stick up and take in their filthy trash and every once in a while die for this
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Most posts on pol are bait. Everyone and his mother knows who really pushes for immigration policies.
Yeah, I suspect there’s probably just people on /pol/ saying that Jews are outraged Allies against muzzie migrants and then claim that anyone who counters and challenges this claim is a retard but I think it’s probably just bait