Caged One of my classmates made this JFL [Pajeet core]


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JFuckingL didn't expect a normie to make a meme like this:cage:
Very very angry and constantly twitching for violence. Imagine knowing the culture you are surrounded by is the epitome of subhumanity and still having to participate in it because otherwise Normie jeets are gonna abuse you.

Jeetchuds just look for any excuse to go off on any subhuman jeet.
do they do it with style or just chimp out like niggers
if it was for me i'd dress in a trench coat and a stahlhelm and carry a double barrel in the slums on my shitty pajeet city and go shooting drunk pajeets at night then i would get called the whitey terror or something
do they do it with style or just chimp out like niggers
if it was for me i'd dress in a trench coat and a stahlhelm and carry a double barrel in the slums on my shitty pajeet city and go shooting drunk pajeets at night then i would get called the whitey terror or something
No nees for guns. Two punches from a white man are enough to put the Pajeet where he belongs(six feet beneath the ground).
