Music/Television Oh. My. Kino. Have you ever heard of a song better than this?

I guarantee you if you sent this out to 100 trannies right now. There’s a good chance more than one of them will be pushed to commit suicide
So good mang, so good.
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It'd be a whole lot better if I knew what this Jap lady was saying. For all we know, those explosion sounds in the background each time the chorus starts could be buses full of schoolchildren crashing into one another, and the crowd yelling at the start of the song could very well be the screams of those children preceding their vicious highway wrecks. And the lady herself, singing? She'd might as well be speaking about how she was the one who threw those spike strips on the highway that caused the brutal deaths of those schoolchildren, yet you'd still dance along all the same if all of these things were true simply because this Oriental tune is "so good mang". Are you really going to call a song that you can't even understand better than every other tune mankind has ever produced?
It'd be a whole lot better if I knew what this Jap lady was saying. For all we know, those explosion sounds in the background each time the chorus starts could be buses full of schoolchildren crashing into one another, and the crowd yelling at the start of the song could very well be the screams of those children preceding their vicious highway wrecks. And the lady herself, singing? She'd might as well be speaking about how she was the one who threw those spike strips on the highway that caused the brutal deaths of those schoolchildren,
Average day in India.