History No. Odin was not homosexual.


The Bee W Sea
Tired of arguing with Christians about this so I’m just gonna lay out the facts here and now. The lie that he drank semen comes from the story: Mead of Poetry.

In the story, Odin seeks the Mead of Poetry, a magical drink that grants poetic inspiration. After the Aesir-Vanir war, the gods seal a truce by spitting into a vat, creating a being named Kvasir. Kvasir is later killed, and his blood is mixed with honey to brew the mead. Odin tricks the giantess Gunnlod, who guards it. He sleeps with her for three nights, each time drinking a horn of the mead then transforms into an eagle to escape, carrying the mead back to Asgard. Bad actors love to twist this into saying he drank the seed of the gods.

“But what about that book that claimed he drank cum!”


This lie originates from The Construction of Homosexuality by David F. Greenberg, a Marxist Jew.
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Tired of arguing with Christians about this so I’m just gonna lay out the facts here and now. The lie that he drank semen comes from the story: Mead of Poetry.

In the story, Odin seeks the Mead of Poetry, a magical drink that grants poetic inspiration. After the Aesir-Vanir war, the gods seal a truce by spitting into a vat, creating a being named Kvasir. Kvasir is later killed, and his blood is mixed with honey to brew the mead. Odin tricks the giantess Gunnlod, who guards it. He sleeps with her for three nights, each time drinking a horn of the mead then transforms into an eagle to escape, carrying the mead back to Asgard. Bad actors love to twist this into saying he drank the seed of the gods.

“But what about that book that claimed he drank cum!”

View attachment 4703

This lie originates from The Construction of Homosexuality by David F. Greenberg. Which also claimed Jesus had sex with his disciples.
I’ve seen memes about this subject lol
Tired of arguing with Christians about this so I’m just gonna lay out the facts here and now. The lie that he drank semen comes from the story: Mead of Poetry.

In the story, Odin seeks the Mead of Poetry, a magical drink that grants poetic inspiration. After the Aesir-Vanir war, the gods seal a truce by spitting into a vat, creating a being named Kvasir. Kvasir is later killed, and his blood is mixed with honey to brew the mead. Odin tricks the giantess Gunnlod, who guards it. He sleeps with her for three nights, each time drinking a horn of the mead then transforms into an eagle to escape, carrying the mead back to Asgard. Bad actors love to twist this into saying he drank the seed of the gods.

“But what about that book that claimed he drank cum!”

View attachment 4703

This lie originates from The Construction of Homosexuality by David F. Greenberg, a Marxist Jew.
Wait, A Marxist Jew does not like Odin Or paganism? Or Jesus?
Who argues about this anyway? Paganism is dead and no sane person cares for it. It's only edgelords, bpd whores, trannies and redditors who follow it lul
Well yeah. Like I said it annoys me when I see lies being spoken as facts. Whether that’s Paganism or Christianity.
Some fucking myth this is, over 200k people attending faggot parades in a country of just 5 million people lol. Just accept that modern nordicucks are largely faggots, denying reality is not good for your soul.
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i only see that cities are hotspots for the jew's debauchery
you wouldn't find faggot parades in a random fjord town in the north part of the country