Books/Articles New Spew from Riled Jews - Steam, Valve Targeted in ADL Article


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I came across this webpage earlier this evening, released by the Jewish supremacist organization known as the "Anti-Defamation League". The organization must be most known for its 1913 founding as a legal defense organization for Jewish pedophile, rapist, and murderer Leo Frank, who forced himself onto a teenage White woman (of whom he was the employer of, at a factory that he owned) in that year, brutally murdered her, and then attempted to pin the blame of the horrible crime on a colored employee of his, before the local public then hanged Frank from a tree in an act of justice as organizations like the ADL previously scrambled to try and free him from facing punishment for his crimes.
Now, a century later, this same supremacist organization has decided to spend its time riling up all areas of American society in an effort to advance other treacherous people of their ethnicity into positions of power and out of the hands of justice for crimes that they commit. In this instance, complementary to those ultimate ambitions, the ADL has decided to rile up the gaming platform "Steam", in the hopes of advancing its interests in internet censorship, the main frontier of opposition to the League and their supremacist brethren, of the Judaic, Talmudic belief.
The article proposes that Valve's platform is promoting hatred and political extremism through its eased moderation of content that the ADL finds to be "hateful". This content includes images of the cartoon character Pepe the Frog, ASCII text artwork of perished criminal George Floyd and German statesman Adolf Hitler, the adoration of politically-extreme shooter criminals like Brenton Tarrant and Anders Breivik, and any mention of militant groups in the Middle East that oppose Jewish interests, including Hamas and Hezbollah.
The article released by the ADL also includes pressuring propositions for Valve to enact on their internet platform, including the adoption of policies to "prohibit extremism" and "prohibit hate", efforts of collaboration with "civil society, academics, and researchers" (including "civil rights" and "civil liberties" groups; in summary, colored people in suits who would benefit their own race far more effectively by curing the water shortages in their ancestral lands of Africa from how many tears fall from their lashes whenever they hear a mean word), and, besides those demands to Valve, even encouragements for American government policymakers to "demonstrate their commitment to disrupting hate and harassment in online multiplayer games" with new legislation, which, in the League's own words, includes the formation of a "National Gaming Safety Task Force".
As hilarious as a fuming Hebrew can be, it must also be noted that he brews a very tasty stew of cash for the politicians in Washington, dragging his wallet around like a mace to thwack his enemies in the face with. Jewish supremacy is an absolutely-dangerous threat to whatever freedoms to the right of opposition we do still grasp onto in America, of opposition in the face of conniving, foreign interests, and, while meager and chuckle-worthy, such a rebuke to a platform of Steam's magnitude also serves as a dire warning to the future of speech on the internet in general, which these terrible racial supremacists want to dig their putrid talons into as far as they can get.
Told ya it gonna happen
The League acknowledges this in their article regarding it.
“However, it was inevitable that, as the meme proliferated in online venues such as 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit, which have many users who delight in creating racist memes and imagery, a subset of Pepe memes would come into existence that centered on racist, antisemitic or other bigoted themes.”

even encouragements for American government policymakers to "demonstrate their commitment to disrupting hate and harassment in online multiplayer games" with new legislation, which, in the League's own words, includes the formation of a "National Gaming Safety Task Force"
Terrible. All this time and resources wasted on inconsequential policies when no effort is spent on our own countrymen who are dying in the streets.
“I don't even open steam forums anymore. It's not just toxic, it's giving all these idiots a platform; and allowing them to grow.

It's like a petri dish for bacteria. Obviously Valve won't do anything until some brainwashed right wing terrorist shoots up a school; and then they will add some kind of community thing where they offload their job to gullible people.”
“I don't even open steam forums anymore. It's not just toxic, it's giving all these idiots a platform; and allowing them to grow.

It's like a petri dish for bacteria. Obviously Valve won't do anything until some brainwashed right wing terrorist shoots up a school; and then they will add some kind of community thing where they offload their job to gullible people.”
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who uses steam forums nigga