If you use a VPN to login they automatically flag you for spam and request a phone number. I deleted my account instead but you could try buying a throwaway number if you’re desperate.
I tried 3 different temporary numbers. They DEFINITELY flagged my account. And for what? Joining a fucking server? Whatever dude, I still have the account of the server I own and everyone worth a damn I have on steam.

I also did call someone being passive aggressive a nigger last time I went on a public server. Maybe cord is just so faggoted that they actually do ban you only after you do certain actions. At least be honest.
I tried 3 different temporary numbers. They DEFINITELY flagged my account. And for what? Joining a fucking server? Whatever dude, I still have the account of the server I own and everyone worth a damn I have on steam.

I also did call someone being passive aggressive a nigger last time I went on a public server. Maybe cord is just so faggoted that they actually do ban you only after you do certain actions. At least be honest.
Pretty much everything requires a phone number verification now, even Gmail. I’ll never give mine away when it costs like 50 cents to make a throwaway.
I don't think you should use that program. Their staff facilitate pedophilia and the production of child porn.
That’s only some weird servers and frootcord, Personally if you use the site to keep in contact with people irl and that you meet online via dms I see no problem with it. (That’s what I used it for)
Only steam is worth giving your number to. Cord is on the "no way I'm givjng you my number, nigger" list
That’s why I didn’t want to give it mine; Does not matter anyway I have not even used it in two months and I can’t even access it.