Caged Nagolcuck can't understand how society works


Kike obliterator 271000
No one cares tf you say, states and all that organization shit exists because people demand a leader for survival, remember that before kingdoms there were tribes also led by someone, this is how it goes, you have no choice, we are all destined to be oppressed until our death

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I get why Nagolbud hates all forms of authority, even though I don’t agree with everything he says. The government always end up becoming corrupted and an enemy of humanity.

The problem is there’s no other solution. Anarchy won’t work. Tribalism? No way. Hermitmaxxing? No one wants to live isolated forever.
I get why Nagolbud hates all forms of authority, even though I don’t agree with everything he says. The government always end up becoming corrupted and an enemy of humanity.

The problem is there’s no other solution. Anarchy won’t work. Tribalism? No way. Hermitmaxxing? No one wants to live isolated forever.
a liberal government would suffice for xim but alas its a hippie
I get why Nagolbud hates all forms of authority, even though I don’t agree with everything he says. The government always end up becoming corrupted and an enemy of humanity.

The problem is there’s no other solution. Anarchy won’t work. Tribalism? No way. Hermitmaxxing? No one wants to live isolated forever.
After AI became a thing in recent year i thought maybe AI would be, if not a judge, at least a great medium between two political parties. The problem is that in order to create a trully medium face, you need a trully neutral creator, which is impossible to find nowadays. All self-proclimed "centrists" today are simply 10 years behind lefties, so AI would be used to jusify moral retardation of the ACKpeople, like they already do with scientists and their "researchs"
Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group. For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other. - Liang Qichao
Nagolcuck doesn't appreciate the second hermetic law. We see hierarchy everywhere in the world. Parents have authority over their offspring. God has authority over humanity and the angels. Even celestial objects are kind of arranged hierarchically. The moon orbits the earth. The Earth orbits the Sun. And the Sun orbits the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Even the human body is like a country with trillions of inhabitants (cells).

But then Nagolfag will say that this doesn't apply to the human societies... BECAUSE IT JUST DOESN'T. OK?