My Favorite websites and why i like to browse and post on them


Staff member

Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white
Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white but on steroids and with autistic obbsessions and the fun thing is they start countrywars over it and make slopjaks to accuse eachother with being the things they are.
Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white but with dialouge
>'s vc
Browns arguing with other browns with their voice to see who is more white (i have recordings of people screaming at the top of their lungs on sharty vc's saying "ZIMBABWE IS WHITE" "LEBANON IS WHITE" "SOMALIA IS WHITE" not joking
Literally the same but with turks, meximutts, and others browns
>4chan /pol/, (especially) and /bant/, and /soc/, and /int/ (Especially)
Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white

Could (You.) See the correlation in the sites i use and browse on daily? It's funny once you see it for what it really is
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Here's a few of my favorite forums:
Real Aryans who are based o algo.
Browns and jews being ultra retarded, arguing over who is more Aryan.
Cozy site in both looks and discussions, has the occasional flamewar too whenever some newfag joins and we either bully them out or they become one of us overtime.

and as for personal blogs:
My website, which is only for supreme Europeans oy vey. Also once I get my webserver up, I am blocking all IPs that are within India, and will likely block Israeli IPs as well if they become a problem.

Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white
Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white but on steroids and with autistic obbsessions and the fun thing is they start countrywars over it and make slopjaks to accuse eachother with being the things they are.
Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white but with dialouge
>'s vc
Browns arguing with other browns with their voice to see who is more white (i have recordings of people screaming at the top of their lungs on sharty vc's saying "ZIMBABWE IS WHITE" "LEBANON IS WHITE" "SOMALIA IS WHITE" not joking
Literally the same but with turks, meximutts, and others browns
>4chan /pol/, (especially) and /bant/, and /soc/, and /int/ (Especially)
Brown thirdworlders arguing with other brown thirdworlders on who is more white

Could (You.) See the correlation in the sites i use and browse on daily? It's funny once you see it for what it really is
Being an obsessed brown shitskin is based though