Miko was right about you being clittycels


Kike obliterator 271000
After reading chud star and vault i can say you truly are obsessed brimstones o algo
After reading chud star and vault i can say you truly are obsessed brimstones o algo
Obsessed? No, child. Obsession implies fixation without purpose. I am driven, focused, and unyielding in my pursuits. If you see intensity and mistake it for obsession, that only reflects your limited understanding. Now go, before your incoherent ramblings waste more of my time.
A angry woman femcel. Clitty means woman and the cel is a reference to incels.
thx for the clarification, is there like a website to learn more of these definitons or do i have to just be in the "know" [if u get what i mean]
Obsessed? No, child. Obsession implies fixation without purpose. I am driven, focused, and unyielding in my pursuits. If you see intensity and mistake it for obsession, that only reflects your limited understanding. Now go, before your incoherent ramblings waste more of my time.
go fuck horses in your barn or something
Mikobowl is a secret genius, all he has to do is make a fool out of himself with short videos and people shower him in stuff for doing that. Money, steam games, robux, they all go to Joshua because they wanna get a shoutout in his videos. Some /qa/ namefag spent $100 for him to do the griddy, $100!!!! That is really good money just to get given to make a 20 second video.
Mikobowl is a secret genius, all he has to do is make a fool out of himself with short videos and people shower him in stuff for doing that. Money, steam games, robux, they all go to Joshua because they wanna get a shoutout in his videos. Some /qa/ namefag spent $100 for him to do the griddy, $100!!!! That is really good money just to get given to make a 20 second video.
It worked for Nikocado, too. People just love looking at fat people do goofy things like they’re circus animals.