Conspiracy Miami Mall alien invasion

Swede Immigrant

Well-known member

>Nearby airport closed down
>Hundreds of police cars
>Mainstream media cause: "Um a few melanated individuals went apeshit... Like they do everyday but this time it's different lol."
>Now almost 100% memoryholed unless you visit schizo sites

WTF. This is one of the weirdest and most unexplained things I have ever seen. And nobody seems to talk about it despite how recent it was.
Can you explain what this is? I don’t live in America.
There was massive police presence at the Miami mall and surrounding areas, along with an airport being shut down. Some 'witnesses' said it was some schizo shit like teleporting shadow entities which could phase through walls.

The official explanation was that all of those resources were used because a group of black teens were throwing firecrackers IIRC (although interestingly there is no proper footage of either scenario)

A few witnesses posted all the same descriptions of shadow beings to TikTok but every video was immediately taken down for terms of service violations. 1.5 Million views on this youtube video 5 months ago. It's not memory-holed lol.
Decided to come back to this. No one supposedly has no footage of what transpired in the mall.

Something strange to me is all the first person experiences seem hushed and pushed aside. Originally, I remember posts everywhere about this then it disappeared. Considering how many people have cell phones, why are there no videos circulating? Clearly something happened with all the sirens, there were helicopters from news crews, and crowds of people outside. It just makes no sense that it's difficult to find first hand footage.