Los Angeles is the new Babylon

Sexual immorality: Ass eating cafes, vending machines with used panties, and producing cp.
Ah, I forgot about that crap. It is interesting, then, how, in those two cities our Ukrainian friend identified just now, Paris and Tokyo, there's a parallel difference that led either of them to horribleness. Paris fostered this evil out of its own social degeneration overtime, and Tokyo had the same wickedness sourced from Western degeneration strung around its neck in one swift blow following its conquest by America in the prior century (of course, not entirely, as such practices, while not of such hefty a scale, were still present in Japan much prior to their defeat at the hands of the West). The revolutions of America and France structured this slow international sickness, and now their military and financial power permits them to yank and toss-away the medicines of those clean of the illness so that they can also be corrupted. It's much more multi-faceted than this analogy, but that's the briefest explanation I can muster.
Just think about it, Los Angeles nowadays is the centre of the degenerative "culture". The Hollywood literally exports it worldwide.
By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he went
When he remembered Zion
Oh, from the wicked
Carry us away, captivity
Require from us a song
How can we sing King Alpha's song
In a strange land
So let the words of our mouth
And the meditation of our heart
Be acceptable in thy sight
Over I
By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he went
When he remembered Zion
Oh, from the wicked
Carry us away, captivity
Require from us a song
How can we sing King Alpha's song
In a strange land
How can we sing King Alpha's song
In a strange land
What evil done by Paris are you talking about?
They're very harshly secular and anti-religion in general, and they have been that way for a little over two centuries (since the overthrow of absolutism and the genocide of clerics during the French Revolution), not to also mention their expansive homosexual problem in that particular city, of course.
On that topic of French secularism, a French friend of mine, when I inquired on how widespread of an issue this is, had this to say of a particular instance he remembers from during the pandemic lockdowns. His use of English may not be the easiest to understand.
>I remember one case which particularily stuck with us was during the pandemic. A pastor of the open plymouth brethren community of france who also is a mayor of a town, made a talk about faith in our age and current events. Long story short, to "root out extremism" in high schools, during the lockdown, the president forced the observatory of secularism which is a part of the State to shut down, and ordered teachers, behind the screens of zoom calls, to scan through their students, by checking a list of affirmations which students would hold to be true. Such statements would include "I obey to God not my country", "I believe in a perfect eternal afterlife" and so on.
>Absolutely crazy stuff.
Just like Babylon, it’s crumbling from the inside—homeless encampments stand in the shadow of multimillion-dollar mansions. People worship fame while their society decays. Different languages, one message: consume, obey, forget God.
State to shut down, and ordered teachers, behind the screens of zoom calls, to scan through their students, by checking a list of affirmations which students would hold to be true. Such statements would include "I obey to God not my country", "I believe in a perfect eternal afterlife" and so on.
That’s just wrong. How do people let the government walk all over them without pushing back.