I have never met a believer in Christ, no matter the varied denominational aspects to Christ's legacy, who honestly believes themself to be dependent on their works for salvation. What must be understood is that faith precedes works and so works abide then by the heavenly commandments of our Lord Jesus, that abidance itself to the commandments being faith in Christ as our absolute Godhead, our Tao. So, really, the best word to describe the factor of salvation is the grace of God, which has permitted us into the heavens to be with Him in eternity, for it is by His judgement that this is all decided. To go onto rambles of further vocabulary is to only complicate things with no result, like backing our reason into a corner and prodding it with a spear so that we can bleed more human understanding out of it. Yet, truly, the bleeding is already done, and it is as human as it is divine. It must be by the grace of God, by the perfect and just compassion of our Heavenly Father, then, that we may attain His great gift of eternal life, to be with Him in divinely-perfected splendor.