Is African American Vernacular English (AAVE) the ideal form of English?


Well-known member
>better ways to show aspect and literally more aspects than normal "advanced" english
>grammatical features are easier to comprehend
>tenses are more advanced and literally better
>habitual be is a very intuitive way to form habitual sentences
>copula dropping in place of contractions, making everything literally easier (copula dropping is also really common
>Verbs are uninflected for number and person, which makes sense because this is also missing in english except for like one exception in the -s suffix of the third person singulars
>More regularized grammar rules, compared to normal english with a fucking billion irregularities
>Word order in questions lack the inversion of most other forms of English, which makes the auxilliary do literally irrelevant
>Use of ain't as a general negative indicator is literally a thousand times simpler than normal english that uses "am not, isn't, aren't, haven't, hasn't, don't, doesn't, or didn't" WHICH IS UNINTUITIVE

AAVE is literally better than normal English. It's more expressive, more intuitive, more detailed and STILL simpler

>inb4 niggerspeak
>inb4 only rappers talk like that
>inb4 aave is simplified and can't be used to make sensible sentences
>inb4 it's not pure english
>inb4 aave is le bad because niggers use it
>inb4 normal english is more advanced and detailed
>inb4 it's not civilized
>inb4 niggers are illiterate and retarded even though 90% of modern slang comes from them
You mean ebonics?

Typical AAVE speaker: "I didn't do nothing"

The appearance of a double or triple negative is proof enough that it’s inferior.