Conspiracy If Michael Jackson was guilty...


Lost in space and time
Then why was he found innocent?

American courts WILL fuck you over and will try all they can to do so, no matter your wealth or status, as is proven by recent years and is obvious as rich and famous get into trouble.

Of course rich kids have privileges in court, albiet for lesser crimes, but with michael's charges, not a chance you will evade if guilty
Having sleepovers with boys is very obviously suspicious as fuck. Not saying he raped them, but I wouldn’t let a child near him if he were alive.
he had nigger genes and was a celebrity after all so im very convinced he probably was waiting for the right chance to go rapetastic
It was strange but so it is when normies aka mostly women sleep in their beds with their dogs and other pets
dogs are family though
doing it with random kids is a very distinct thing