Caged I hate niggers


I love black people
Meh. Racism is a sign of low intelligence.
Hating niggers is not Racism. Hating Jews is not Racism. Hating evil is normal, niggers are evil and jews are the banality of evil. Eradication, and full aversion or/and full elimination of evil from the State in the accomplishment of the preservation of the human kind (, and spirit); which there is left very little of. For there are those (things) that orchestrate evil and the subsequent perpetuation; greed manifests into the Jews, gluttony into niggers, the west has lost its pride and so has its contemporary "people", pride has been dissolved; the envy of women for the cost of a man's pocket, and lustful pajeets keep this very cesspool entertained and thus contained to prolong.
Hating niggers is not Racism. Hating Jews is not Racism. Hating evil is normal, niggers are evil and jews are the banality of evil. Eradication, and full aversion or/and full elimination of evil from the State in the accomplishment of the preservation of the human kind (, and spirit); which there is left very little of. For there are those (things) that orchestrate evil and the subsequent perpetuation; greed manifests into the Jews, gluttony into niggers, the west has lost its pride and so has its contemporary "people", pride has been dissolved; the envy of women for the cost of a man's pocket, and lustful pajeets keep this very cesspool entertained and thus contained to prolong.
That doesn't make sense. Unless you're telling me that the almighty, sacred aryan race has done no wrong in history? How do you decide who is inherently evil or not?
>fucking femboys and trannies is le white culture
>tearing down statues of relevant white men is le white culture
>supporting feminism subjecting yourself to the standards of women thinking it is masculinity and letting kikes in the parliament and control over you is le white culture
>hormonally castrating and cutting the genitals of your male population and levitating your womens biological clock to hit the wall at <16 is whilst begging your governments to raise the age of consent to 25 is le white culture
>paying niggers and other ethnicites welfare and tax money and not leaving them in their homelands so you can shut the fuck up about them is le white culture
>becoming the masters of coping in shitty tranime forums and imageboards is le white culture
>dilating about niggers and dajoos 147k times per week on 4/pol/tranny is le white culture
>fabricating and misusing charts and demographic stats about ethnicities to cope with your shitty race is le white culture
>bombing the shit out of countries then wondering why they are invading us back through migration is le white culture
>stereotyping other races when yours is well recognized for being more degenerate and retarded is le white culture
>also sucking on kikes or chinks or muslims cocks whenever an enemy loses in a situation but also hating them back again like the two-faced faggots wignatrannies are is le white culture
>being hyperhedonistic and getting outbred by niggers, sandniggers and pajeets is le white culture
>T/[A-Z]/D will happen in two more weeks guize trust the plaaaannnn
>its dajoos even though they all look white and we ourselves let them in our parliaments in the first place
>fucking femboys and trannies is le white culture
>tearing down statues of relevant white men is le white culture
>supporting feminism subjecting yourself to the standards of women thinking it is masculinity and letting kikes in the parliament and control over you is le white culture
>hormonally castrating and cutting the genitals of your male population and levitating your womens biological clock to hit the wall at <16 is whilst begging your governments to raise the age of consent to 25 is le white culture
>paying niggers and other ethnicites welfare and tax money and not leaving them in their homelands so you can shut the fuck up about them is le white culture
>becoming the masters of coping in shitty tranime forums and imageboards is le white culture
>dilating about niggers and dajoos 147k times per week on 4/pol/tranny is le white culture
>fabricating and misusing charts and demographic stats about ethnicities to cope with your shitty race is le white culture
>bombing the shit out of countries then wondering why they are invading us back through migration is le white culture
>stereotyping other races when yours is well recognized for being more degenerate and retarded is le white culture
>also sucking on kikes or chinks or muslims cocks whenever an enemy loses in a situation but also hating them back again like the two-faced faggots wignatrannies are is le white culture
>being hyperhedonistic and getting outbred by niggers, sandniggers and pajeets is le white culture
>T/[A-Z]/D will happen in two more weeks guize trust the plaaaannnn
>its dajoos even though they all look white and we ourselves let them in our parliaments in the first place
nobody has ever said this
>fucking femboys and trannies is le white culture
>tearing down statues of relevant white men is le white culture
>supporting feminism subjecting yourself to the standards of women thinking it is masculinity and letting kikes in the parliament and control over you is le white culture
>hormonally castrating and cutting the genitals of your male population and levitating your womens biological clock to hit the wall at <16 is whilst begging your governments to raise the age of consent to 25 is le white culture
>paying niggers and other ethnicites welfare and tax money and not leaving them in their homelands so you can shut the fuck up about them is le white culture
>becoming the masters of coping in shitty tranime forums and imageboards is le white culture
>dilating about niggers and dajoos 147k times per week on 4/pol/tranny is le white culture
>fabricating and misusing charts and demographic stats about ethnicities to cope with your shitty race is le white culture
>bombing the shit out of countries then wondering why they are invading us back through migration is le white culture
>stereotyping other races when yours is well recognized for being more degenerate and retarded is le white culture
>also sucking on kikes or chinks or muslims cocks whenever an enemy loses in a situation but also hating them back again like the two-faced faggots wignatrannies are is le white culture
>being hyperhedonistic and getting outbred by niggers, sandniggers and pajeets is le white culture
>T/[A-Z]/D will happen in two more weeks guize trust the plaaaannnn
>its dajoos even though they all look white and we ourselves let them in our parliaments in the first place
White societies were historically some of the most patriarchal, not to mention that tons of non-White ones were more Egalitarian