Conspiracy I got beaten up by a landwhale


nevER selling
Today I'm gonna tell you why you shouldn't fuck a landwhale out of desperation.

A few years when I was 18, I looked a little less hideous. My hair wasn't thinning, my jew nose wasnt so big, and my teeth weren't all fucked. Now 3 years later my face has gone down to like 3 points. I don't want to show my face obviously but my teeth are probably from all the goyslop I been eating.

But anyways I had bumble at the time which I installed after using Grindr (I didnt know it was a faggot dating app).

Anyway I was desperate for pussy. So I PAID for premium and I still got no matches other from bots, trannies, some guy called kevin and onlyfags girls. BUT after 3 months, I finally got a match that wasnt fake. She was fat as shit, arm size of a truck. Face flatter then a plate nigga. But at the time I just needed pussy I didnt care.

So I talked to her for a day and shes like lets do it. I was excited to not be a virgin anymore but I cant drive so I asked her plz pick me up, and I thought that would be the end of it but suprizenly, she said sure and she will pick me up. I told my mom im going on a date and she didnt even believe me I had to prove to her by showing the messages.

The next day it was time. I put on my anime hoodie and waited for her to pick me up, and then I see a car. I went in her shitty rusty car and then reality hit me. This lady is disgusting as fuck. I started having second thoughts about this. I was high inhib at the time so I couldnt just say your gross foid nigga and leave. I had to wait until it was over. She was like "im gonna drive around for a place for us" meanwhile I was texting my friends (they were normies and are no longer my friends now) a picture I secretly took of her while she was driving


In her picture she looked like 40% less fat, so I got stacyfished, although to be fair I did I say I had a BBC but she didnt read my profile.

Anyway then she sees a gas station and parks behind it. "Lets get started" she said. Then she takes off her seatbelt. I was scared as hell I didnt want to fuck this whale but I had to force myself to so she could drive me home.

So she opens the back car door and tells me to come. And then I opened the car door and went in. She starts taking off her shirt and I was bombarded with a smell of tits of death. There was no way I was gonna get hard to this bitch in fact my dick retracted itself.

She starts making out with me but quickly stops because of my breath smelling like shit cause I had a curry before jfl.

Then she started taking my pants off and im thinking oh my god please dont do this to me. It took her awhile due to how tight my pants were she even said they look like leggings.

Finnally she whips out my dick and starts sucking it. It hurted like hell because of her teeth (which were yellow). After like 15 seconds she was like "why arent you getting hard?, are you gay?" and I couldnt think of anything to say other than "im just shy" so then she starts taking her pants off and then the smell of rotting fish was so bad nigga.

She opened her legs and my eyes was scared of what I was about to see. There was no pussy her fat rolls were covering it. Then she LIFTED the fat rolls and I was scarred. This image will forever burn inside my mind haunting me. It was hairy as fuck, puss that looked like roast beef that was rotting for 20 centuries. She was like "ok now fuck me" and I couldnt do it. There was no way I was gonna stick my goon stick inside of that pussy. I didnt even know what to do other than freeze and have a mental breakdown. After like 20 seconds of just freezing she said "do you even wanna do this" and then I was like uhhh no. She didnt really care and said ok fine then just give me the money and then I was confused.

Turns out she was a prostitute. I said I dont have any money and she demanded I give her the $200. I said I didnt think you were a prostitute. And she called me a dumbass it said it on her profile (which I didnt read btw). She told me gaypal it to me or im not driving you home. I said go fuck yourself nigger and this was a huge mistake. She started beating the SHIT out of me throwing punches at my face.

You guys would wonder why didnt you fight back? I am a weak pussy I cant fight at all. Luckily I learned a trick that I learned from all the other times I was beaten up, and I called it "the turtle". Where I would put my face and knees together and put my arms over my head to minimize damage. As soon as she did 3 punches, I did the turtle, she started punching my back now and I was thinking. Wtf do I do? When I did this at school someone would come over to break it up, but I was alone here.

The window was open so I was thinking I can clime out there but then she finally stopped and said "get the fuck out" and she opened the door. I started to cry right there and got out her car and then she drove away. So there I was, standing behind a gas station crying by myself. She only drove for like 5 minutes so I just started walking home which took like 3 hours because I kept getting lost.

I dont know what street I live on so I was walking in the direction where she drove. I would go down this street and then be like shit this is not it, and then go back to another street. I kept doing this but finally found my house. I told my mom this and she made me feel better by buying me taco bell it did make me feel better ngl. I was gonna report her on bumble but when I checked the foid already blocked me. This caused me to NOT use dating apps for almost 3 years.

I only recently started using them again, But since im way uglyier then when I was 18, I was getting no likes. Not even the obese foids match me anymore. This fucking sucks I just want to be loved but no I just get my ass kicked instead. This is the reason why I dont escortmaxx among many other reasons. Talking about this now is getting me mad that that whore did that to me ok im done with this story im gonna cuddle my doll now
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Today I'm gonna tell you why you shouldn't fuck a landwhale out of desperation.

A few years when I was 18, I looked a little less hideous. My hair wasn't thinning, my jew nose wasnt so big, and my teeth weren't all fucked. Now 3 years later my face has gone down to like 3 points. I don't want to show my face obviously but my teeth are probably from all the goyslop I been eating.

But anyways I had bumble at the time which I installed after using Grindr (I didnt know it was a faggot dating app).

Anyway I was desperate for pussy. So I PAID for premium and I still got no matches other from bots, trannies, some guy called kevin and onlyfags girls. BUT after 3 months, I finally got a match that wasnt fake. She was fat as shit, arm size of a truck. Face flatter then a plate nigga. But at the time I just needed pussy I didnt care.

So I talked to her for a day and shes like lets do it. I was excited to not be a virgin anymore but I cant drive so I asked her plz pick me up, and I thought that would be the end of it but suprizenly, she said sure and she will pick me up. I told my mom im going on a date and she didnt even believe me I had to prove to her by showing the messages.

The next day it was time. I put on my anime hoodie and waited for her to pick me up, and then I see a car. I went in her shitty rusty car and then reality hit me. This lady is disgusting as fuck. I started having second thoughts about this. I was high inhib at the time so I couldnt just say your gross foid nigga and leave. I had to wait until it was over. She was like "im gonna drive around for a place for us" meanwhile I was texting my friends (they were normies and are no longer my friends now) a picture I secretly took of her while she was driving

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In her picture she looked like 40% less fat, so I got stacyfished, although to be fair I did I say I had a BBC but she didnt read my profile.

Anyway then she sees a gas station and parks behind it. "Lets get started" she said. Then she takes off her seatbelt. I was scared as hell I didnt want to fuck this whale but I had to force myself to so she could drive me home.

So she opens the back car door and tells me to come. And then I opened the car door and went in. She starts taking off her shirt and I was bombarded with a smell of tits of death. There was no way I was gonna get hard to this bitch in fact my dick retracted itself.

She starts making out with me but quickly stops because of my breath smelling like shit cause I had a curry before jfl.

Then she started taking my pants off and im thinking oh my god please dont do this to me. It took her awhile due to how tight my pants were she even said they look like leggings.

Finnally she whips out my dick and starts sucking it. It hurted like hell because of her teeth (which were yellow). After like 15 seconds she was like "why arent you getting hard?, are you gay?" and I couldnt think of anything to say other than "im just shy" so then she starts taking her pants off and then the smell of rotting fish was so bad nigga.

She opened her legs and my eyes was scared of what I was about to see. There was no pussy her fat rolls were covering it. Then she LIFTED the fat rolls and I was scarred. This image will forever burn inside my mind haunting me. It was hairy as fuck, puss that looked like roast beef that was rotting for 20 centuries. She was like "ok now fuck me" and I couldnt do it. There was no way I was gonna stick my goon stick inside of that pussy. I didnt even know what to do other than freeze and have a mental breakdown. After like 20 seconds of just freezing she said "do you even wanna do this" and then I was like uhhh no. She didnt really care and said ok fine then just give me the money and then I was confused.

Turns out she was a prostitute. I said I dont have any money and she demanded I give her the $200. I said I didnt think you were a prostitute. And she called me a dumbass it said it on her profile (which I didnt read btw). She told me gaypal it to me or im not driving you home. I said go fuck yourself nigger and this was a huge mistake. She started beating the SHIT out of me throwing punches at my face.

You guys would wonder why didnt you fight back? I am a weak pussy I cant fight at all. Luckily I learned a trick that I learned from all the other times I was beaten up, and I called it "the turtle". Where I would put my face and knees together and put my arms over my head to minimize damage. As soon as she did 3 punches, I did the turtle, she started punching my back now and I was thinking. Wtf do I do? When I did this at school someone would come over to break it up, but I was alone here.

The window was open so I was thinking I can clime out there but then she finally stopped and said "get the fuck out" and she opened the door. I started to cry right there and got out her car and then she drove away. So there I was, standing behind a gas station crying by myself. She only drove for like 5 minutes so I just started walking home which took like 3 hours because I kept getting lost.

I dont know what street I live on so I was walking in the direction where she drove. I would go down this street and then be like shit this is not it, and then go back to another street. I kept doing this but finally found my house. I told my mom this and she made me feel better by buying me taco bell it did make me feel better ngl. I was gonna report her on bumble but when I checked the foid already blocked me. This caused me to NOT use dating apps for almost 3 years.

I only recently started using them again, But since im way uglyier then when I was 18, I was getting no likes. Not even the obese foids match me anymore. This fucking sucks I just want to be loved but no I just get my ass kicked instead. This is the reason why I dont escortmaxx among many other reasons. Talking about this now is getting me mad that that whore did that to me ok im done with this story im gonna cuddle my doll now

Today I'm gonna tell you why you shouldn't fuck a landwhale out of desperation.

A few years when I was 18, I looked a little less hideous. My hair wasn't thinning, my jew nose wasnt so big, and my teeth weren't all fucked. Now 3 years later my face has gone down to like 3 points. I don't want to show my face obviously but my teeth are probably from all the goyslop I been eating.

But anyways I had bumble at the time which I installed after using Grindr (I didnt know it was a faggot dating app).

Anyway I was desperate for pussy. So I PAID for premium and I still got no matches other from bots, trannies, some guy called kevin and onlyfags girls. BUT after 3 months, I finally got a match that wasnt fake. She was fat as shit, arm size of a truck. Face flatter then a plate nigga. But at the time I just needed pussy I didnt care.

So I talked to her for a day and shes like lets do it. I was excited to not be a virgin anymore but I cant drive so I asked her plz pick me up, and I thought that would be the end of it but suprizenly, she said sure and she will pick me up. I told my mom im going on a date and she didnt even believe me I had to prove to her by showing the messages.

The next day it was time. I put on my anime hoodie and waited for her to pick me up, and then I see a car. I went in her shitty rusty car and then reality hit me. This lady is disgusting as fuck. I started having second thoughts about this. I was high inhib at the time so I couldnt just say your gross foid nigga and leave. I had to wait until it was over. She was like "im gonna drive around for a place for us" meanwhile I was texting my friends (they were normies and are no longer my friends now) a picture I secretly took of her while she was driving

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In her picture she looked like 40% less fat, so I got stacyfished, although to be fair I did I say I had a BBC but she didnt read my profile.

Anyway then she sees a gas station and parks behind it. "Lets get started" she said. Then she takes off her seatbelt. I was scared as hell I didnt want to fuck this whale but I had to force myself to so she could drive me home.

So she opens the back car door and tells me to come. And then I opened the car door and went in. She starts taking off her shirt and I was bombarded with a smell of tits of death. There was no way I was gonna get hard to this bitch in fact my dick retracted itself.

She starts making out with me but quickly stops because of my breath smelling like shit cause I had a curry before jfl.

Then she started taking my pants off and im thinking oh my god please dont do this to me. It took her awhile due to how tight my pants were she even said they look like leggings.

Finnally she whips out my dick and starts sucking it. It hurted like hell because of her teeth (which were yellow). After like 15 seconds she was like "why arent you getting hard?, are you gay?" and I couldnt think of anything to say other than "im just shy" so then she starts taking her pants off and then the smell of rotting fish was so bad nigga.

She opened her legs and my eyes was scared of what I was about to see. There was no pussy her fat rolls were covering it. Then she LIFTED the fat rolls and I was scarred. This image will forever burn inside my mind haunting me. It was hairy as fuck, puss that looked like roast beef that was rotting for 20 centuries. She was like "ok now fuck me" and I couldnt do it. There was no way I was gonna stick my goon stick inside of that pussy. I didnt even know what to do other than freeze and have a mental breakdown. After like 20 seconds of just freezing she said "do you even wanna do this" and then I was like uhhh no. She didnt really care and said ok fine then just give me the money and then I was confused.

Turns out she was a prostitute. I said I dont have any money and she demanded I give her the $200. I said I didnt think you were a prostitute. And she called me a dumbass it said it on her profile (which I didnt read btw). She told me gaypal it to me or im not driving you home. I said go fuck yourself nigger and this was a huge mistake. She started beating the SHIT out of me throwing punches at my face.

You guys would wonder why didnt you fight back? I am a weak pussy I cant fight at all. Luckily I learned a trick that I learned from all the other times I was beaten up, and I called it "the turtle". Where I would put my face and knees together and put my arms over my head to minimize damage. As soon as she did 3 punches, I did the turtle, she started punching my back now and I was thinking. Wtf do I do? When I did this at school someone would come over to break it up, but I was alone here.

The window was open so I was thinking I can clime out there but then she finally stopped and said "get the fuck out" and she opened the door. I started to cry right there and got out her car and then she drove away. So there I was, standing behind a gas station crying by myself. She only drove for like 5 minutes so I just started walking home which took like 3 hours because I kept getting lost.

I dont know what street I live on so I was walking in the direction where she drove. I would go down this street and then be like shit this is not it, and then go back to another street. I kept doing this but finally found my house. I told my mom this and she made me feel better by buying me taco bell it did make me feel better ngl. I was gonna report her on bumble but when I checked the foid already blocked me. This caused me to NOT use dating apps for almost 3 years.

I only recently started using them again, But since im way uglyier then when I was 18, I was getting no likes. Not even the obese foids match me anymore. This fucking sucks I just want to be loved but no I just get my ass kicked instead. This is the reason why I dont escortmaxx among many other reasons. Talking about this now is getting me mad that that whore did that to me ok im done with this story im gonna cuddle my doll now
Didn’t read didn’t care