Caged I’ve noticed ethnics are more likely to be Nationalist than Whites are

Very rarely do I come across a Nordic on the internet that’s pro-White and anti-immigrant. Why is that?
white people also love to be isolated and like privacy and focus on the individual and are reliant upon themselves and are independent unlike ethnics where it is the opposite also whites have and use logic instead of being blindly obediant to their race and community sadly
Ethnics haven’t had their pride delegitimized on a global scale the way Whites have.
sad trvke the left-wing global communist jews have also brainwashed whites into hating their culture, peoples, and history making them ashamed of it and taboo and "racist" which is a bad thing in society
alot of whites view themselves as citezens of the world instead of their homeland and tribe
white people also love to be isolated and like privacy and focus on the individual and are reliant upon themselves and are independent unlike ethnics where it is the opposite also whites have and use logic instead of being blindly obediant to their race and community sadly
>inb4 we find out the majority of right-wingers on the internet are brown due to this
they are also more primitive and tribalistic and famly-centered and feel more connection and loyalty to their race
blm was practically a black revolutionary nationalist movemnet
white people tend to be non-tribalistic and left-wing and educated whilst ethnics tend to be un-educated and conservative and feel more proud of their race unlike whites
mythical sextuple post
Because nordcucks get outnumbered by poojeets and spics, there are less than 20 millions of population in all nordic countries combined.
That’s a good point. People always say the internet was better before the third world came in and started shitting up every discussion site.
Even their food is laced with femizing chemicals.
And micro plastics. Very weird how it doesn’t seem to affect brown people. Almost like the chemicals affect only specific biology…