Conspiracy Hypergamy topic


nevER selling
So, I noticed a video (that I didn't watch) about the UnitedHealthcare shooting where the title was something like, "We're so close to class consciousness!" I'm like, "lolno". Another vídeo was like, "It's not right wing vs left wing, it's top vs bottom!" Let's consider that as a sex joke; top = male, bottom = female, lel

Be it as it may, the leftoids and rightoids are very keen at making excuses for the context of this subject. This thing has another name in my head for the purposes of this final writing on the subject; sexual class traitors. Now, it's quite easy to see the behaviors of females that they all love to defend; verbally attack lower class males all over the Internet, refuse to date someone under a certain monetary threshold, string some guy along until she finds another male that makes more money, etc. I don't see any purpose in not seeing this as sexual class warfare, and it's a funny way of implying I'm also supposed to care or do something about it.

It's still a bit of a trap of a subject. Rightoids either pretend they have an answer for this behavior or encourage it, and leftoids seem to just do the exact same thing, lel. They think there's going to be some magical victory of social class awakening that's going to cause some major breakthrough in peace and friendliness, but in reality, they're the same types of scumbags. It's the same deal when I think about, "Which type of female is the most likely to actually want to touch me with the mindset and lack of money that I have right now?" I have no answer, and no one can tell me an answer.

Some type of political dream team may have an upper hand if they're capable of properly addressing this subject, but "we" know that none of them can, kek. It's like another reason why I hate the musicians and other entertainment jackasses; they exist for females to fantasize about males that make more money than everyone else. As always, fuck the upper class, fuck the rich, fuck the middle class, fuck the working class, fuck the poor and fuck you.
Posted it again award.
I only posted it due to kevin logan