How many of you are NEETs?

If you’re born with a disability in America you can receive checks from the government forever. Otherwise, you’re out of luck unless you find a sugar mommy or something. Sweden is pretty generous with handouts but I wouldn’t step foot in that place.
i thought you were tryna get a job like security guard

Alaska Job Center Network
teencels don't count btw.
Teencel here, so I don't count, but i'll still answer the question.
How do you get by? Just live with your parents?
Yes, probably will for a long while. Partially because I don't have any interest in living in apartments, but also because I don't like wasting my shekels. No reason for me to pay thousands per year on an apartment when I can just live with my parents. Free electricity, free room, free food, and free internet. I either play vidya or am doing things in the most incomprehensible way possible to a normie (terminals), so I have quite a bit of privacy just by being good with tech, I could live in a glass room and you'd still take a while to figure out what I'm doing. Normals fear the original Xbox running Gentoo Linux.
Do you get NEETbux?
No, though if I ever get NEETbux, I will gladly exploit it so I can somewhat live off the system, since better I get the money than Israel. I could money-launder if I really wanted to, but I'd basically have to rely on Bitcoin and Monero never going down, or going so far up that a small drop won't hurt.
If you’re born with a disability in America you can receive checks from the government forever. Otherwise, you’re out of luck unless you find a sugar mommy or something. Sweden is pretty generous with handouts but I wouldn’t step foot in that place.
if you don't have problems with psychotic mudslime refugees then you could very well do your neeting there but i don't think anyone wants to risk waking up with your head deattached from your neck being carried by said psychotic mudslime while reciting the (coo)quran