History of the Julian calendar in Christian tradition


Kike obliterator 271000
Gregorian calendar is made by Jesuit
Julian calendar is what christians originally used (and some still do)
Oriental christians use their own folk calendars (coptic, ethiopian and others)
And there a bunch more calendars around earth
Mesoamerican's still the best. 12 months, 30 days each, and then a 5-day holiday week at the end. Beats out the Gregorian mess we're stuck with now, which is just another way to keep us all in line within (((their))) timelines.
The reason Gregorian calendar is used within even countries that are neither catholic nor protestant is because all civilizations have been overwhelmed by the west. It is one of the outward signs of it, if you will.

They will all go back to using their own calendars once they break free from that influence. That includes every Orthodox country (Julian Calendar), Islamic countries (Hijri Calendar), the Sinosphere, the list could go on.
Why should I as an Orthodox Christian use the gregorian calendar invented by the pope in 1582? Why would I put convenience over what has been the tradition of the church for ages?
Why does it matter? Time doesn’t change depending on what calendar we use.
Why does it matter?
>why does church tradition matter

Good question. I think you're capable of figuring out the answer yourself.
>why does church tradition matter

Good question. I think you're capable of figuring out the answer yourself.
Okay. That makes a little bit more sense. It’s also another globalist tool to maximize profits.
The calendar we use shapes our culture, our festivals, even our work schedules. They want us all on the same time because it's easier to control.
Kinda reminds me of how before widespread clocks people just weren't punctual. They would arrive whenever and everything regarding time was loosely defined. But with the industrial revolution and wide spread adoption of the clock suddenly people were slaves to these mechanical hands. (not at first doe, at first people didn't care and were late and would randomly take breaks all the time which is why schools were established, to train people to obey the clock)
people who thought the world would end in 2012 because that's the end of the mayan calendar is like if people believed the world will end in 2038 because that's the limit of unix time stamps
would not be surprised if people called about doomsday and whatnot in a decade due to that kek
Kinda reminds me of how before widespread clocks people just weren't punctual. They would arrive whenever and everything regarding time was loosely defined. But with the industrial revolution and wide spread adoption of the clock suddenly people were slaves to these mechanical hands. (not at first doe, at first people didn't care and were late and would randomly take breaks all the time which is why schools were established, to train people to obey the clock)
i thought it was because of the pressure dependent clocks in paris
Gregorian calendar is made by Jesuit
Julian calendar is what christians originally used (and some still do)
Oriental christians use their own folk calendars (coptic, ethiopian and others)
And there a bunch more calendars around earth
Before the Bolshevik revolution the Russian empire was still using the Julian calendar (That’s why The October revolution was celebrated in November in the USSR due to the calendar switch) I just wanted to bring this up because I find it weird why the Bolsheviks changed the calendar from Julian to Gregarian maybe there was a conspiracy and something deeper behind this
Before the Bolshevik revolution the Russian empire was still using the Julian calendar (That’s why The October revolution was celebrated in November in the USSR due to the calendar switch) I just wanted to bring this up because I find it weird why the Bolsheviks changed the calendar from Julian to Gregarian maybe there was a conspiracy and something deeper behind this
Well, the clearest assumption would be that they wanted to culturally destroy Eastern Orthodoxy as much as they were able to, and so that'd include abolishing the calendar system used by the Tsars.
Well, the clearest assumption would be that they wanted to culturally destroy Eastern Orthodoxy as much as they were able to, and so that'd include abolishing the calendar system used by the Tsars.
That’s what I was thinking, My conclusion was that the Bolsheviks were Jews who hated everything there was about the Tsar and the old empire so they literally destroyed everything about it. Even the calendar lol
Before the Bolshevik revolution the Russian empire was still using the Julian calendar (That’s why The October revolution was celebrated in November in the USSR due to the calendar switch) I just wanted to bring this up because I find it weird why the Bolsheviks changed the calendar from Julian to Gregarian maybe there was a conspiracy and something deeper behind this
They also had idea to make their own calendar