Politics Feasibility of rapid global population changes

You'd be dealing with an aging population that would strain social services. Then you would have to deal with a smaller workforce which wouldn't be able to maintain the infrastructure. It wouldn’t really cause a collapse but a lot of boomers would die.
Depends on who’s left. If it’s the competent few million, civilization would probably thrive. If it’s just a random mix, you’d get a slow collapse as infrastructure and knowledge degrade over generations.
Depends on who’s left. If it’s the competent few million, civilization would probably thrive. If it’s just a random mix, you’d get a slow collapse as infrastructure and knowledge degrade over generations.
i do suppose its the best mix of people together because he said his favorite group of people, and i doubt anyone's favorite group of people here are the group of people we already know are the least competent
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We just kill the elderly, they were never meant to live so long anyways
it's not a problem of them being old but of them being so pissy about modern society when they were the foundations for its collapse
they were the kike's first pawn for all this mess