fagolbut get in here faggot

Someone should have archived that one thread nagolbud immediately made after arriving on old chuds.life. You know, the one addressed towards karenin. It was pretty funny.
I have plenty of articles on it.
The issue is people that anti-jew-larp are spiritually blind and don't care about evidence...
Doesn't matter how much I post clear un-deniable proof that jews are fake... conformity bias and mainstream ideology will control their mind.

Any honest person would see the shit I post about the Star of Remphan being moloch / saturn satanic shit and be curious enough to study it out, the anti-jew-larpers just continue on their retarded e-rampage without a second thought. There is nothing I can do but mock them and call them retards over and over again... which I do.
you need to write a thread about your take on jews and jesuits and who rules the world

this knowledge you have is not obvious to anyone without schizophrenia so you need to make a retards guide aka thread with all your evidence

Pick your flavor...

Pick your flavor...
tsmt, if us chudcels can't read this who is to say the normies will... they can't escape the heckin' matrixerino or whatever the fuck since they're not reading all a dat
Facts. It's why I pivoted from "truth" telling to creative works like "storytelling".
I mix in these truths throughout my creative works instead..
Aspy 2 is called Divide and Conquer. I'm about half way done with it..

Pick your flavor...
All of these articles are lost you fag