Politics Election Watching thread.


>cheeto shitler wins against negropajeeta muttacion
>normgroids dilate
>hype dies down
>they want poopy joe to rerun now

i predicted this up to the dot
I always wanted Biden to run instead of Kamala. At least he doesn’t do anything unlike Trump who is actively trying to undermine America.

However… I’ll take these words back if he deports all the latinx.
Imagine a future without malarkey. A world without Corn Pop. Every time you went outside, your hairy legs would turn blonde in the sun.

A world where all would be guaranteed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by, you know, the thing!

Think about it. This guy we just elected is a threat to democracy. On day one he is going to start a bloodbath. Do you know what that means? Lots of brown and black people are going to die and its your fault.

Don't get it twisted Jack, this is the most important moment in our history, in our country's history. We.... uhhhh..... we can't allow this guy access to the nuclear codes. World War 3. Think about it. Lots of dead..... eyhughh..... anyway
He's playing 4D chess, dummy. JD Vance is gonna set things right once he takes office, trust me.
On the day that Trump will mysteriously disappear from the White House one unsuspecting afternoon, Vice President "Spray-Pee Pants" and his wife, Poo-sha Pants, immediately taking office and putting to use the mighty powers of multicultural mass migration and their mixed-race interfaith marriage, will set plans for a new civil rights model for American society under their reign, which is to be an all-out strike against the greatest social threat to the country's fastly-growing population of Indian workers, an amendment to truly gain this new population's loyalty to the Stars-and-Stripes, once and for all, and to set about a new era for a new America; with the ratification of the twenty-eighth amendment, the public restroom system will be abolished, and an end will finally meet the oppressive Western toiletriarchy. At long last, in J.D Vance's so-greatly-conservative America, the streets will be "flooded with browns", and in more ways than one.
>One nation under "God"? Uh... what is this, 2016? It's "one nation under Piss-Poo"-- I mean, uh, "Vishnu", now. - Most Holy Brahmin-President Vance, 2027
On the day that Trump will mysteriously disappear from the White House one unsuspecting afternoon, Vice President "Spray-Pee Pants" and his wife, Poo-sha Pants, immediately taking office and putting to use the mighty powers of multicultural mass migration and their mixed-race interfaith marriage, will set plans for a new civil rights model for American society under their reign, which is to be an all-out strike against the greatest social threat to the country's fastly-growing population of Indian workers, an amendment to truly gain this new population's loyalty to the Stars-and-Stripes, once and for all, and to set about a new era for a new America; with the ratification of the twenty-eighth amendment, the public restroom system will be abolished, and an end will finally meet the oppressive Western toiletriarchy. At long last, in J.D Vance's so-greatly-conservative America, the streets will be "flooded with browns", and in more ways than one.
>One nation under "God"? Uh... what is this, 2016? It's "one nation under Piss-Poo"-- I mean, uh, "Vishnu", now. - Most Holy Brahmin-President Vance, 2027
you have psychic powers