Do you guys believe in aliens?


Staff member
I personally, straight up, do not believe aliens exist. The "fermi paradox" is just evidence that aliens do not exist.

"Oh but Aliens should exist because human beings exist. Which is why it is strange that aliens don't exist"

Well, maybe aliens just don't exist. I do not need to demonstrate that aliens don't exist with anything more than the fact that we have not observed the existence of aliens despite having technology which would allow us to in some capacity. Just like I do not need to demonstrate that unicorns don't exist.

Human beings are presumably special.
I personally, straight up, do not believe aliens exist. The "fermi paradox" is just evidence that aliens do not exist.

"Oh but Aliens should exist because human beings exist. Which is why it is strange that aliens don't exist"

Well, maybe aliens just don't exist. I do not need to demonstrate that aliens don't exist with anything more than the fact that we have not observed the existence of aliens despite having technology which would allow us to in some capacity. Just like I do not need to demonstrate that unicorns don't exist.

Human beings are presumably special.
We live in a closed system. There is obviously a firmament, real science proves this. Refraction of light and water with rainbows proves there is a firmament... Space is fake asf...

+ Bible confirms the science.

I'm of a similar position. We know so little in comparison to God, so we can't know of anything for sure that is at-all beyond our vision, but I have very heavy doubt that He'd ever have a use for some form of extraterrestrial beings in His plan for us in the first place.
The Chud Stars align but the plane-ts are gay as shit NA$A fag stuff. Androgyne pagan worship type Pope shit. "Alienism" - Ancient Chudarisee 634 BC o algo
I personally, straight up, do not believe aliens exist. The "fermi paradox" is just evidence that aliens do not exist.

"Oh but Aliens should exist because human beings exist. Which is why it is strange that aliens don't exist"

Well, maybe aliens just don't exist. I do not need to demonstrate that aliens don't exist with anything more than the fact that we have not observed the existence of aliens despite having technology which would allow us to in some capacity. Just like I do not need to demonstrate that unicorns don't exist.

Human beings are presumably special.
Most likely some form of alien life exists but its so far we will never interact with each other

Also the life would probably be very simple and even in the latest stages of evolution not as intelligent as ours
I'll repost a thread I made a while back.

First off, I think it's highly probable that humans are not the first creatures to obtain consciousness. And the reason we haven't seen any of them on other planets is because we haven't looked enough or what I think is the more likely scenario, there were sentient creatures that existed but have been exterminated by a cosmic event. This is possibly what happened on Earth 440 million years ago, called the Ordovician extinction that wiped out two-thirds of all species.
According to "scientists" the Earth gets hit by a gamma ray every 10,000 years. So what are the chances we get hit by one that can cause a mass extinction? Low, but not zero. And if something like that happened before, no one can guarantee we won't get wiped out in the next gamma burst.

Even disregarding gamma rays, we still have other space threats that can destroy Earth. Including: asteroids, the death of the sun, de oxygenation, among others. Then, we have to take into accounts of human threats that can destroy us, including nuclear holocaust and pollution.

So with all the ways humanity can eventually die from, who's to say this hasn't happened to a previous species that were "human"? Granted, we have no way of knowing if there were, but if the universe is seemingly infinite then there's an infinite chance of another Earth-like planet that hosted intelligent creatures like us. And we wouldn't know it because they have all died long before humans could even walk.
I believe they could exist. Obviously not in the sci-fi green humanoid way. But micro bacteria? That is a highly plausible scenario.
When I refer to aliens I really mean intelligent life that could be considered on par with humans. I could believe in non-advanced aliens as well. If aliens do exist it is possible they are so different from us we couldn't even recognize them, like silicon based life swimming around in molten ocean near their planetary core. Or even quantum life form living in the sun which lives like 3 nanoseconds
I'll repost a thread I made a while back.

First off, I think it's highly probable that humans are not the first creatures to obtain consciousness. And the reason we haven't seen any of them on other planets is because we haven't looked enough or what I think is the more likely scenario, there were sentient creatures that existed but have been exterminated by a cosmic event. This is possibly what happened on Earth 440 million years ago, called the Ordovician extinction that wiped out two-thirds of all species.
According to "scientists" the Earth gets hit by a gamma ray every 10,000 years. So what are the chances we get hit by one that can cause a mass extinction? Low, but not zero. And if something like that happened before, no one can guarantee we won't get wiped out in the next gamma burst.

Even disregarding gamma rays, we still have other space threats that can destroy Earth. Including: asteroids, the death of the sun, de oxygenation, among others. Then, we have to take into accounts of human threats that can destroy us, including nuclear holocaust and pollution.

So with all the ways humanity can eventually die from, who's to say this hasn't happened to a previous species that were "human"? Granted, we have no way of knowing if there were, but if the universe is seemingly infinite then there's an infinite chance of another Earth-like planet that hosted intelligent creatures like us. And we wouldn't know it because they have all died long before humans could even walk.
Yes, who is to say it hasn't but who is to say it has? I will believe it when I see evidence for it, but until then I see no reason to believe it. Gamma ray burst would probably fuck shit up but it isn't like we haven't already destroyed a big chunk of our ozone layer
Aliens are a red hearing and psy-up for when the end times come. And also to distract people of straw man people from not getting into real conspiracy theories. (Jews, Khazars,Masons, Jesuits, NWO, French and Russian revolutions, ETC.
Aliens are a red hearing and psy-up for when the end times come. And also to distract people of straw man people from not getting into real conspiracy theories. (Jews, Khazars,Masons, Jesuits, NWO, French and Russian revolutions, ETC.
It’s been happening for some time now. The media has been pushing the UFO and alien corpse discovery so hard these past few years. The same media that called you a lunatic for believing in them.
I honestly don't care whether they exist or not. Aliens existing doesn't effect my faith, my daily activities, or my life in general. So does it even matter? Not to me.
That’s interspecial mixing and is heckin evil.
Fucking faggot. Imagine not fucking hot alien pussy.