Politics City zoning/Urban planning general

Which is superior?

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Walkable cities are better, but only if the city’s population is homogeneous and the government actually cared about it’s people. No one wants to walk in a city where there’s a threat to your life or worrying about stepping on human shit or used needles.
A24 slowburn kino I found on ze ‘tube

Walkable cities are fine in theory, but they inevitably turn into a leftist hellhole over time. Cars give people freedom, unlike public transport which keeps you stuck in whatever system the government gives you.
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Walkable cities are fine in theory, but they inevitably turn into a leftist hellhole over time. Cars give people freedom, unlike public transport which keeps you stuck in whatever system the government gives you.
The future we were heckin promised...
(((they))) took this from us chuds


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Walkable cities are supreme.

Also, for the past few months, I've been working on how I would create a city which is 1 square mile. Housing, shops, government buildings, etc. It will almost certainly end up too long in text for me to release here, or possibly even on Agora Road's Macintosh Cafe, so I will likely post the plans on my website once that is back up. I've been planning this out for months now because I hate suburbs. I honestly believe the only reason suburbs are so common is because of the effects of the Civil Rights Act, it gatekept niggers for a while since it was now illegal to just tell a nigger to go live elsewhere. Remove that, and cities could easily be better in everyway if you make a white-only city.

Pretty much, after I'd get people into the glorious cities, I will destroy all of the suburban property. Everyone will either live in the middle of nowhere or will live in a city. Cars will not be easily obtainable, most will take the bus or walk due to how I will design the city. Btw, each person will have a 1/8~ acre room, a 1/16~ acre room, or a 1/32~ acre room. Minimum 20 story "apartments" but preferably 50 or more stories. This is to ensure maximum housing is reached. Each floor will be 8 foot tall, so 400 feet for 50 stories of "houses" of varying sizes. I have, so far, considered going as high as 200 stories, or around 1600 feet, but that seems far too risky for housing.

I'll expand more on the actual plans later doe, also im gonna make a huge map of the entire city and i'll have 640 squares which will be like a grid, showing what is in it and where.
That sounds terrifying. Imagine a fire starts and you’re all the way on top.
Ye that's my main concern with something that tall, particularly if it is higher than 20 stories, at 8ft per story. Even at 20 stories, that's 160 feet. At 50, that's 400 feet. At 200 stories, that's 1600 feet, which makes it one of, if not the tallest building in the world. The only reason such an idea is considered is due to how many people such an idea could house, especially if 1/32 acre "houses" were given to everyone. 200 "houses" per 1/32 acre means 6400 "houses" in an entire acre. Around 6400 families could live in that area. So if a mother, father, son, and daughter were all in each house, that would equate to 25,600 people per house. And the funny part? What I am proposing is *still* better than the pod system, outside of having to figure out how to avoid the dangers of such a system, since even 1/32 acre as a house is better than the pods.

If we're not allowed to mass deport browns, can we at least use my idea for concentrating them all into a singular city? If you do the math I've proposed so-far, except across a sq mile (640 acres) instead of 1 acre, you get 16,384,000 people, and that's only if there were 32 sectors of 200 houses with 4 people each per acre. Even if there are 100 million illegals, we could fit all of them into around 10 square miles, accounting for how many mouths would be fed via stores if I am feeling extra nice to them instead of just letting them fend for themselves.
If we're not allowed to mass deport browns, can we at least use my idea for concentrating them all into a singular city? If you do the math I've proposed so-far, except across a sq mile (640 acres) instead of 1 acre, you get 16,384,000 people, and that's only if there were 32 sectors of 200 houses with 4 people each per acre. Even if there are 100 million illegals, we could fit all of them into around 10 square miles, accounting for how many mouths would be fed via stores if I am feeling extra nice to them instead of just letting them fend for themselves.
i wouldn't concentrate all of them into a singular city considering doing that will just end up in people getting more rapetastic, maybe a net of 2-3 cities of 4-5 if we want to include more subsets and a gigantic 5 mile tall and 2 km thick barrier isolating the general area of the cities from the rest of humanity
i wouldn't concentrate all of them into a singular city considering doing that will just end up in people getting more rapetastic, maybe a net of 2-3 cities of 4-5 if we want to include more subsets and a gigantic 5 mile tall and 2 km thick barrier isolating the general area of the cities from the rest of humanity
After that just nuke it all to hell.
i wouldn't concentrate all of them into a singular city considering doing that will just end up in people getting more rapetastic, maybe a net of 2-3 cities of 4-5 if we want to include more subsets and a gigantic 5 mile tall and 2 km thick barrier isolating the general area of the cities from the rest of humanity
That's probably a better idea. 5 or so cities, huge wall to isolate them from us, etc. I propose doing it at the bottom of South America.
That's probably a better idea. 5 or so cities, huge wall to isolate them from us, etc. I propose doing it at the bottom of South America.

i wouldn't really use this aryanheaven to house browns and others akin
maybe CENTRAL america or a caribbean island considering they're already shitholes and easily expendable, or just the congo if we don't want to complicate ourselves