Caged Blackpill fueled compassion needs to be a thing.


Well-known member
Look, we know that Incels can't help the fact that they're rejected, because it comes down to genetics.
Then by that logic, foids can't help being sluts and whores because of genetics. But also because they're stupid and they buy into this BS about sleeping around. They know it's wrong, but they also can't secure a chad or a monogamous relationship when they're so unlikeable and uninteresting.

NOW, I am not saying that we let them off the hook.

But we should only call out their stupidity when it harms us.

There was a time in my life when all my close friends were foids. Now they're all incels or incel adjacent.

There was one foid I was super close with because we both had a lot of childhood trauma. Her brother molested her. Which is common in curryland. And her family was generally abusive, which is also common among curries. We used to hang out from time to time, just walking around the mall, or going to cafes and doing work. She knew I was suicidal and knew that I was posting on incel forums. She didn't care.

Eventually her brother left the country, and she was happy after that because her brother was a control freak. During this time she was like, DCC you can do this and this too. Finally I just snapped "GOD DAMMIT, FOID, JUST BECAUSE THINGS ARE WORKING OUT FOR YOU DOESN'T MEAN THEY'RE WORKING OUT FOR ME!"

That was when our friendship started to break apart and she began to cut me off and we no longer talk. That was the ONLY time I snapped at her. Even though she would occasionally show me things that I disagreed with. At which point I would just be "Hurmm..." and post them on incel forums. She didn't know that. What finally ticked her off was when she found out that I referred to this grotesque tinder match I got as looking like a "fucking tranny". JFL

She said she doesn't like the way I think about women, and she didn't care because I never did anything wrong to her, but she can't change my views and that we're done.

I spent all this time hating her for abandoning me at a time of need over something so stupid and doesn't even affect her.

But then I realized, as smart as she was, she's still a foid and susceptible to propaganda. Her being susceptible to BS propaganda is like us being short and balding. We can't help it.
That doesn't mean we should let them get away with shit at all. My problem was treating her like one of my male friends. I yell at my male friends when they do or say dumb shit. But I forgot that she isn't a man.


So what am I saying? We should accept that foids are like this and stop treating them like they're our equals. They're not. They're like children. And different children require different approaches.

What we should do:
Name and shame
Doxx/ruin their reputation.

What we shouldn't do:

Tell them things they're not ready to handle.

JBP (yeah, I know he's a hack but he's right about this) said that you don't give children things they can't handle. You don't force them into situations that make them uncomfortable. Maybe you don't take a 5 year old to a funeral.

So when a foid you care about is trying to be a whore. You shouldn't immediately beat them up or slut shame them. You should quietly sit them down and explain to them why it's not okay to be a whore. If they still do it, you're allowed to slutshame and disown them.

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